Commit 88100d3d authored by Yiannis Tsiouris's avatar Yiannis Tsiouris

Refactoring + trying to identify the problem (not working)

parent f9fba183
......@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ import Control.Distributed.Process (Process, ProcessId, NodeId,
import Data.Hashable (hash)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Credit (ACredit, Credit, credit, credit_atomic,
debit_atomic, debit_atomic_nz,
is_one, is_zero, zero)
import Credit (ACredit, Credit, credit,
credit_atomic, debit_atomic,
debit_atomic_nz, is_one, is_zero,
import qualified Sequential as Sq (Generator, orbit)
import Table (Freq, Vertex, VTable,
freq_from_stat, freq_to_stat,
......@@ -234,18 +235,19 @@ defaultCt = Ct { verts_recvd = 0
-- initialise worker
init :: Int -> Int -> Bool -> Process ()
init localTableSize idleTimeout spawnImgComp = do
let table = new localTableSize
init localTableSize idleTimeout spawnImgComp =
receiveWait [
match $ \("init", staticMachConf0) -> do
let statData = defaultCt
staticMachConf1 = set_idle_timeout staticMachConf0 idleTimeout
staticMachConf = if spawnImgComp then staticMachConf1
let staticMachConf1 = set_idle_timeout staticMachConf0 idleTimeout
staticMachConf =
if spawnImgComp then staticMachConf1
else clear_spawn_img_comp staticMachConf1
credit = zero
vertex_server staticMachConf credit table statData
vertex_server staticMachConf zero (new localTableSize) defaultCt
vertex_server :: ParConf -> Credit -> VTable -> Ct -> Process ()
vertex_server _ _ _ _ = return ()
-- main worker loop: server handling vertex messages;
-- StaticMachConf: info about machine configuration
-- Credit: credit currently held by the server,
......@@ -286,6 +288,7 @@ vertex_server staticMachConf credit table statData = do
let newStatData = statData {credit_retd = newCreditRetd}
vertex_server staticMachConf zero table newStatData
Just _ -> return ()
-- handle_vertex checks whether vertex X is stored in Slot of Table;
-- if not, it is in inserted there and the images of the generators
......@@ -294,7 +297,6 @@ vertex_server staticMachConf credit table statData = do
handle_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Int -> Credit -> VTable
-> Process (Credit, VTable)
handle_vertex staticMachConf x slot credit table
-- check whether x is already in table
| is_member x slot table = return (credit, table) -- x already in table;
-- do nothing
| otherwise = do -- x not in table
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