Commit d0e50428 authored by Yiannis Tsiouris's avatar Yiannis Tsiouris

Polish debug info + s/spawnLink/spawn/

parent 39aaad5c
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ vertex_server staticMachConf crdt table statData = do
let idleTimeout = get_idle_timeout staticMachConf
r <- receiveTimeout idleTimeout [
match $ \("vertex", x, slot, k) -> do
say $ "got a vertex!"
say $ "Got a vertex!"
let creditPlusK = credit_atomic k crdt
nowTime = now
vertsRecvd = verts_recvd statData
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ distribute_vertices :: ParConf -> Credit -> Credit -> Process Credit
distribute_vertices _ crdt [] = return crdt
distribute_vertices staticMachConf crdt [x] = do
let (k, remainingCredit) = debit_atomic crdt
say $ "remaining credit = " ++ show remainingCredit ++ " k = " ++ show k
say $ "Remaining credit = " ++ show remainingCredit ++ " k = " ++ show k
send_vertex staticMachConf x k
return remainingCredit
distribute_vertices staticMachConf crdt (x : xs) = do
......@@ -279,7 +279,9 @@ send_image staticMachConf x g k = send_vertex staticMachConf (g x) k
-- send_vertex hashes vertex X and sends it to the worker determined by
-- the hash; the message is tagged with atomic credit K.
send_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> ACredit -> Process ()
send_vertex staticMachConf x k = do {say $ "send to " ++ show (x, slot, k); send pid ("vertex", x, slot, k) }
send_vertex staticMachConf x k = do {say $ "Send vertex " ++ show x ++ " to " ++ show pid ++ " (slot, k) = " ++ show (slot, k);
send pid ("vertex", x, slot, k)
where (pid, slot) = hash_vertex staticMachConf x
-- hash_vertex computes the two-dimensional hash table slot of vertex X where
......@@ -421,22 +423,22 @@ orbit gs xs (Par hostInfo) = par_orbit gs xs hostInfo
par_orbit :: GenClos -> [Vertex] -> HostInfo
-> Process ([Vertex], [MasterStats])
par_orbit gs xs hosts = do
say "---- in par_orbit"
say "---- In par_orbit"
-- spawn workers on Hosts
(workers, globTabSize) <- start_workers hosts
self <- getSelfPid
let -- assemble StaticMachConf and distribute to Workers
staticMachConf = mk_static_mach_conf gs self workers globTabSize
mapM_ (\(pid, _, _) -> send pid ("init", staticMachConf)) workers
say $ "---- after send pid init, xs = " ++ show xs
let -- start wall clock timer
startTime = now
-- distribute initial vertices to workers
say $ "---- After send pid init, xs = " ++ show xs
crdt <- distribute_vertices staticMachConf one xs
say $ "---- after distribute_vertices, credit = " ++ show crdt
say $ "---- After distribute_vertices, credit = " ++ show crdt
-- collect credit handed back by idle workers
collect_credit crdt
say "---- after collect credit"
say "---- After collect credit"
-- collect credit handed back by idle workers
let -- measure elapsed time (in milliseconds)
elapsedTime = now - startTime
......@@ -456,12 +458,14 @@ par_orbit gs xs hosts = do
-- * Workers is a list of Worker, sorted wrt. TableOffset in ascending order.
start_workers :: HostInfo -> Process ([(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int)
start_workers (JustOne host) = do
say "---- in start_workers"
say "---- In start_workers"
(workers, globalTableSize) <- do_start_shm host ([], 0)
say "---- after do_start_shm"
say "---- After do_start_shm"
return (reverse workers, globalTableSize)
start_workers (Many hosts) = do
say "---- In many start_workers"
(workers, globalTableSize) <- do_start_dist hosts ([], 0)
say $ "---- After do_start_dist, Workers = " ++ show workers
return (reverse workers, globalTableSize)
do_start_shm :: (Int, Int, Int, Bool) -> ([(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int)
......@@ -469,9 +473,7 @@ do_start_shm :: (Int, Int, Int, Bool) -> ([(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int)
do_start_shm (0, _, _, _) acc = return acc
do_start_shm (m, tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp) (workers, gTabSize) = do
node <- getSelfNode
say $ "---- i got a node id " ++ show m ++ " " ++ show tabSize ++ " " ++ show tmOut ++ " " ++ show workers
pid <- spawnLink node ($(mkClosure 'init) (tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp))
say "---- after spawnLink"
pid <- spawn node ($(mkClosure 'init) (tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp))
do_start_shm (m - 1, tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp)
((pid, gTabSize, tabSize) : workers, gTabSize + tabSize)
......@@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ do_start_dist :: [(NodeId, Int, Int, Int, Bool)] -> ([(ProcessId, Int, Int)], In
do_start_dist [] acc = return acc
do_start_dist ((_, 0, _, _, _) : hosts) acc = do_start_dist hosts acc
do_start_dist ((node,m,tabSize,tmOut,spawnImgComp) : hosts) (workers,gTabSize) = do
pid <- spawnLink node ($(mkClosure 'init) (tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp))
pid <- spawn node ($(mkClosure 'init) (tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp))
do_start_dist ((node, m - 1, tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp) : hosts)
((pid, gTabSize, tabSize) : workers, gTabSize + tabSize)
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