Commit f9fba183 authored by Yiannis Tsiouris's avatar Yiannis Tsiouris

Implement rest Worker functions (not working)

parent c4320ca0
-- --
-- orbit-int master (controlling orbit computation) -- orbit-int master (controlling orbit computation)
-- orbit-int worker (computing vertices and holding part of hash table)
-- --
module MasterWorker where module MasterWorker where
{- {-
module Worker( --init module Worker( init
--, distribute_vertices , distribute_vertices
--, send_image , send_image
verts_recvd_from_stat , verts_recvd_from_stat
, credit_retd_from_stat , credit_retd_from_stat
, min_atomic_credit_from_stat , min_atomic_credit_from_stat
, init_idle_from_stat , init_idle_from_stat
...@@ -18,13 +17,20 @@ module Worker( --init ...@@ -18,13 +17,20 @@ module Worker( --init
-} -}
import Control.Distributed.Process (Process, ProcessId, NodeId, import Control.Distributed.Process (Process, ProcessId, NodeId,
match, receiveWait) getSelfNode, match,
receiveTimeout, receiveWait,
send, spawnLocal)
import Data.Hashable (hash)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Credit (credit, is_one) import Credit (ACredit, Credit, credit, credit_atomic,
debit_atomic, debit_atomic_nz,
is_one, is_zero, zero)
import qualified Sequential as Sq (Generator, orbit) import qualified Sequential as Sq (Generator, orbit)
import Table (Freq, Vertex, freq_from_stat, import Table (Freq, Vertex, VTable,
freq_to_stat, sum_freqs) freq_from_stat, freq_to_stat,
get_freq, insert, is_member,
new, sum_freqs, to_list)
import Utils (now) import Utils (now)
-- counters/timers record -- counters/timers record
...@@ -51,7 +57,8 @@ data HostInfo = JustOne (Int, -- Number of processes ...@@ -51,7 +57,8 @@ data HostInfo = JustOne (Int, -- Number of processes
Int, -- Table size Int, -- Table size
Int, -- Idle timeout Int, -- Idle timeout
Bool)] -- Spawn image comp Bool)] -- Spawn image comp
type ParConf = ([Sq.Generator], ProcessId, [ProcessId], Int, Int, Bool) type ParConf =
([Sq.Generator], ProcessId, [(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int, Int, Bool)
type WorkerStats = [(String, String)] type WorkerStats = [(String, String)]
...@@ -117,19 +124,18 @@ type WorkerStats = [(String, String)] ...@@ -117,19 +124,18 @@ type WorkerStats = [(String, String)]
-- The function returns a pair consisting of the computed orbit and -- The function returns a pair consisting of the computed orbit and
-- a list of statistics, the first element of which reports overall statistics, -- a list of statistics, the first element of which reports overall statistics,
-- and all remaining elements report statistics of some worker. -- and all remaining elements report statistics of some worker.
orbit :: [Vertex -> Vertex] -> [Vertex] -> MaybeHosts orbit :: [Sq.Generator] -> [Vertex] -> MaybeHosts -> ([Vertex], [MasterStats])
-> ([Vertex], [MasterStats])
orbit gs xs (Seq tablesize) = Sq.orbit gs xs tablesize orbit gs xs (Seq tablesize) = Sq.orbit gs xs tablesize
orbit gs xs (Par hostInfo) = par_orbit gs xs hostInfo orbit gs xs (Par hostInfo) = par_orbit gs xs hostInfo
-- FIXME Write the proper par_orbit -- FIXME Write the proper par_orbit
par_orbit :: [Vertex -> Vertex] -> [Vertex] -> HostInfo par_orbit :: [Sq.Generator] -> [Vertex] -> HostInfo
-> ([Vertex], [MasterStats]) -> ([Vertex], [MasterStats])
par_orbit gs xs hosts = ([42], [[("xxx", "xxx")]]) par_orbit gs xs hosts = ([42], [[("xxx", "xxx")]])
-- collect_credit collects leftover credit from idle workers until -- collect_credit collects leftover credit from idle workers until
-- the credit adds up to 1. -- the credit adds up to 1.
collect_credit :: [Int] -> Process () collect_credit :: Credit -> Process ()
collect_credit crdt = collect_credit crdt =
case is_one crdt of case is_one crdt of
True -> return () True -> return ()
...@@ -157,8 +163,8 @@ do_collect_orbit n partOrbits workerStats = do ...@@ -157,8 +163,8 @@ do_collect_orbit n partOrbits workerStats = do
-- auxiliary functions -- auxiliary functions
-- functions operating on the StaticMachConf -- functions operating on the StaticMachConf
mk_static_mach_conf :: [Sq.Generator] -> ProcessId -> [ProcessId] -> Int mk_static_mach_conf :: [Sq.Generator] -> ProcessId -> [(ProcessId, Int, Int)]
-> ParConf -> Int -> ParConf
mk_static_mach_conf gs master workers globalTableSize = mk_static_mach_conf gs master workers globalTableSize =
(gs, master, workers, globalTableSize, 0, True) (gs, master, workers, globalTableSize, 0, True)
...@@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ get_gens (gs, _, _, _, _, _) = gs ...@@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ get_gens (gs, _, _, _, _, _) = gs
get_master :: ParConf -> ProcessId get_master :: ParConf -> ProcessId
get_master (_, master, _, _, _, _) = master get_master (_, master, _, _, _, _) = master
get_workers :: ParConf -> [ProcessId] get_workers :: ParConf -> [(ProcessId, Int, Int)]
get_workers (_, _, workers, _, _, _) = workers get_workers (_, _, workers, _, _, _) = workers
get_global_table_size :: ParConf -> Int get_global_table_size :: ParConf -> Int
...@@ -212,7 +218,9 @@ master_stats elapsedTime workerStats = ...@@ -212,7 +218,9 @@ master_stats elapsedTime workerStats =
tailIdles = map tail_idle_from_stat workerStats tailIdles = map tail_idle_from_stat workerStats
maxTailIdle = foldl max (head tailIdles) (tail tailIdles) maxTailIdle = foldl max (head tailIdles) (tail tailIdles)
-- Worker stuff --
-- orbit-int worker (computing vertices and holding part of hash table)
defaultCt :: Ct defaultCt :: Ct
defaultCt = Ct { verts_recvd = 0 defaultCt = Ct { verts_recvd = 0
...@@ -224,6 +232,174 @@ defaultCt = Ct { verts_recvd = 0 ...@@ -224,6 +232,174 @@ defaultCt = Ct { verts_recvd = 0
, max_idle = -1 , max_idle = -1
} }
-- initialise worker
init :: Int -> Int -> Bool -> Process ()
init localTableSize idleTimeout spawnImgComp = do
let table = new localTableSize
receiveWait [
match $ \("init", staticMachConf0) -> do
let statData = defaultCt
staticMachConf1 = set_idle_timeout staticMachConf0 idleTimeout
staticMachConf = if spawnImgComp then staticMachConf1
else clear_spawn_img_comp staticMachConf1
credit = zero
vertex_server staticMachConf credit table statData
-- main worker loop: server handling vertex messages;
-- StaticMachConf: info about machine configuration
-- Credit: credit currently held by the server,
-- Table: hash table holding vertices
-- StatData: various counters and timers for gathering statistics
vertex_server :: ParConf -> Credit -> VTable -> Ct -> Process ()
vertex_server staticMachConf credit table statData = do
let idleTimeout = get_idle_timeout staticMachConf
r <- receiveTimeout idleTimeout [
match $ \("vertex", x, slot, k) -> do
let creditPlusK = credit_atomic k credit
nowTime = now
vertsRecvd = verts_recvd statData
minAtomicCredit = min_atomic_credit statData
lastEvent = last_event statData
initIdle = init_idle statData
maxIdle = max_idle statData
(newCredit, newTable) <-
handle_vertex staticMachConf x slot creditPlusK table
let newStatData0 = statData {verts_recvd = vertsRecvd + 1,
min_atomic_credit = max minAtomicCredit k}
newStatData1 =
if initIdle < 0
then newStatData0 {init_idle = nowTime - lastEvent}
else newStatData0 {max_idle = max maxIdle (nowTime - lastEvent)}
newStatData = newStatData1 {last_event = now}
vertex_server staticMachConf newCredit newTable newStatData
, match $ \"dump" -> do
let nowTime = now
lastEvent = last_event statData
newStatData = statData {tail_idle = nowTime - lastEvent,
last_event = now}
dump_table staticMachConf table newStatData
case r of
Nothing -> do let creditRetd = credit_retd statData
newCreditRetd <- return_credit staticMachConf credit creditRetd
let newStatData = statData {credit_retd = newCreditRetd}
vertex_server staticMachConf zero table newStatData
Just _ -> return ()
-- handle_vertex checks whether vertex X is stored in Slot of Table;
-- if not, it is in inserted there and the images of the generators
-- are distributed among the workers.
-- Precondition: Credit is non-zero.
handle_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Int -> Credit -> VTable
-> Process (Credit, VTable)
handle_vertex staticMachConf x slot credit table
-- check whether x is already in table
| is_member x slot table = return (credit, table) -- x already in table;
-- do nothing
| otherwise = do -- x not in table
let newTable = insert x slot table -- insert x at slot
-- distribute images of x under generators to their respective workers
newCredit <- distribute_images staticMachConf x credit
-- return remaining credit and updated table
return (newCredit, newTable)
-- return_credit sends non-zero Credit back to the master;
-- returns number of times credit has been returned so far
return_credit :: ParConf -> Credit -> Int -> Process Int
return_credit staticMachConf credit creditRetd
| is_zero credit = return creditRetd
| otherwise = do
let masterPid = get_master staticMachConf
send masterPid ("done", credit)
return (creditRetd + 1)
-- dump_table sends a list containing the local partial orbit to the master,
-- together with some statistics on the distribution of vertices in the table.
dump_table :: ParConf -> VTable -> Ct -> Process ()
dump_table staticMachConf table statData = do
nodeId <- getSelfNode
let masterPid = get_master staticMachConf
stat = worker_stats nodeId (get_freq table) statData
send masterPid ("result", to_list table, stat)
-- distribute_images distributes the images of vertex X under the generators
-- to the workers determined by the hash; some ore all of of the Credit is
-- used to send the messages, the remaining credit is returned;
-- computation and sending of vertices is actually done asynchronously.
-- Precondition: Credit is non-zero.
distribute_images :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Credit -> Process Credit
distribute_images staticMachConf x credit =
do_distribute_images staticMachConf x credit (get_gens staticMachConf)
do_distribute_images :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Credit -> [Sq.Generator]
-> Process Credit
do_distribute_images _ _ credit [] = return credit
do_distribute_images staticMachConf x credit [g] = do
let (k, remainingCredit) = debit_atomic credit
if get_spawn_img_comp staticMachConf
then spawnLocal (send_image staticMachConf x g k) >> return ()
else send_image staticMachConf x g k
return remainingCredit
do_distribute_images staticMachConf x credit (g : gs) = do
let (k, nonZeroRemainingCredit) = debit_atomic_nz credit
if get_spawn_img_comp staticMachConf
then spawnLocal (send_image staticMachConf x g k) >> return ()
else send_image staticMachConf x g k
return nonZeroRemainingCredit
-- distribute_vertices distributes the list of vertices Xs to the workers
-- determined by the hash; some ore all of of the Credit is used to send
-- the messages, the remaining credit is returned.
-- Precondition: If Xs is non-empty then Credit must be non-zero.
distribute_vertices :: ParConf -> Credit -> Credit -> Process Credit
distribute_vertices _ credit [] = return credit
distribute_vertices staticMachConf credit [x] = do
let (k, remainingCredit) = debit_atomic credit
send_vertex staticMachConf x k
return remainingCredit
distribute_vetices staticMachConf credit (x : xs) = do
let (k, nonZeroRemainingCredit) = debit_atomic_nz credit
send_vertex staticMachConf x k
distribute_vertices staticMachConf nonZeroRemainingCredit xs
-- send_image sends image of X under G to the worker determined by
-- the hash of G(X); the message is tagged with atomic credit K.
send_image :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Sq.Generator -> ACredit -> Process ()
send_image staticMachConf x g k = send_vertex staticMachConf (g x) k
-- send_vertex hashes vertex X and sends it to the worker determined by
-- the hash; the message is tagged with atomic credit K.
send_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> ACredit -> Process ()
send_vertex staticMachConf x k = send pid ("vertex", x, slot, k)
where (pid, slot) = hash_vertex staticMachConf x
-- hash_vertex computes the two-dimensional hash table slot of vertex X where
-- the first dim is a worker pid and the second a slot in that worker's table.
hash_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> (ProcessId, Int)
hash_vertex staticMachConf x = global_to_local_slot workers globalSlot
where -- get static info
globalTableSize = get_global_table_size staticMachConf
workers = get_workers staticMachConf
-- compute raw hash and slot in global table
globalSlot = (hash x) `rem` globalTableSize
-- global_to_local_slot traverses the list Workers sequentially to translate
-- slot GlobSlot in the global hash table into a two-dimensional local slot
-- {pid, slot}, where 'pid' is the PID of a worker and 'slot' a the slot
-- in that worker's local hash table.
-- Precondition: GlobSlot < sum of TableSize in Workers.
-- Note: This procedure is horribly inefficient (linear in size of Workers);
-- it should be log (size of Workers) at most.
global_to_local_slot :: [(ProcessId, Int, Int)] -> Int -> (ProcessId, Int)
global_to_local_slot ((pid, _, tabSize) : workers) globSlot
| globSlot < tabSize = (pid, globSlot)
| otherwise = global_to_local_slot workers (globSlot - tabSize)
-- auxiliary functions
-- produce readable statistics -- produce readable statistics
worker_stats :: NodeId -> Freq -> Ct -> WorkerStats worker_stats :: NodeId -> Freq -> Ct -> WorkerStats
worker_stats node frequency statData = worker_stats node frequency statData =
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