Inductive and (A : Prop) (B : Prop) : Prop := conj : A -> B -> A /\ B
For conj: Arguments A, B are implicit
For and: Argument scopes are [type_scope type_scope]
For conj: Argument scopes are [type_scope type_scope _ _]
For conj: Arguments A, B are implicit
In addition to the definition of [and] itself, we get information on implicit arguments and parsing rules for [and] and its constructor [conj]. We will ignore the parsing information for now. The implicit argument information tells us that we build a proof of a conjunction by calling the constructor [conj] on proofs of the conjuncts, with no need to include the types of those proofs as explicit arguments.
In addition to the definition of %\coqdocinductive{%#<tt>#and#</tt>#%}% itself, we get information on %\index{implicit arguments}%implicit arguments (and some other information that we omit here). The implicit argument information tells us that we build a proof of a conjunction by calling the constructor [conj] on proofs of the conjuncts, with no need to include the types of those proofs as explicit arguments.
@@ -1023,7 +1051,13 @@ Section nat_tree_ind'.
Coq rejects this definition, saying %``%#"#Recursivecalltonat_tree_ind'hasprincipalargumentequalto"tr"insteadofrest.#"#%''% There is no deep theoretical reason why this program should be rejected; Coq applies incomplete termination-checking heuristics, and it is necessary to learn a few of the most important rules. The term %``%#"#nestedinductivetype#"#%''% hints at the solution to this particular problem. Just like true mutually-inductive types require mutually-recursive induction principles, nested types require nested recursion. *)
Coq rejects this definition, saying
Recursive call to nat_tree_ind' has principal argument equal to "tr"
instead of rest.
There is no deep theoretical reason why this program should be rejected; Coq applies incomplete termination-checking heuristics, and it is necessary to learn a few of the most important rules. The term %``%#"#nestedinductivetype#"#%''% hints at the solution to this particular problem. Just like true mutually inductive types require mutually recursive induction principles, nested types require nested recursion. *)
(** We know that the standard induction principle is insufficient for the task, so we need to provide a [using] clause for the [induction] tactic to specify our alternate principle. *)
(** We know that the standard induction principle is insufficient for the task, so we need to provide a %\index{tactics!using}%[using] clause for the [induction] tactic to specify our alternate principle. *)
Hint Extern 1 (ntsize (match ?LS with Nil => _ | Cons _ _ => _ end) = _) =>
destruct LS; crush.
induction tr1 using nat_tree_ind'; crush.
@@ -1128,17 +1169,17 @@ Qed.
(** We will go into great detail on hints in a later chapter, but the only important thing to note here is that we register a pattern that describes a conclusion we expect to encounter during the proof. The pattern may contain unification variables, whose names are prefixed with question marks, and we may refer to those bound variables in a tactic that we ask to have run whenever the pattern matches.
The advantage of using the hint is not very clear here, because the original proof was so short. However, the hint has fundamentally improved the readability of our proof. Before, the proof referred to the local variable [ls], which has an automatically-generated name. To a human reading the proof script without stepping through it interactively, it was not clear where [ls] came from. The hint explains to the reader the process for choosing which variables to case analyze on, and the hint can continue working even if the rest of the proof structure changes significantly. *)
The advantage of using the hint is not very clear here, because the original proof was so short. However, the hint has fundamentally improved the readability of our proof. Before, the proof referred to the local variable [ls], which has an automatically generated name. To a human reading the proof script without stepping through it interactively, it was not clear where [ls] came from. The hint explains to the reader the process for choosing which variables to case analyze, and the hint can continue working even if the rest of the proof structure changes significantly. *)
(** * Manual Proofs About Constructors *)
(** It can be useful to understand how tactics like [discriminate] and [injection] work, so it is worth stepping through a manual proof of each kind. We will start with a proof fit for [discriminate]. *)
(** It can be useful to understand how tactics like %\index{tactics!discriminate}%[discriminate] and %\index{tactics!injection}%[injection] work, so it is worth stepping through a manual proof of each kind. We will start with a proof fit for [discriminate]. *)
Theorem true_neq_false : true <> false.
(* begin thide *)
(** We begin with the tactic [red], which is short for %``%#"#onestepofreduction,#"#%''% to unfold the definition of logical negation. *)
(** We begin with the tactic %\index{tactics!red}%[red], which is short for %``%#"#onestepofreduction,#"#%''% to unfold the definition of logical negation. *)
The negation is replaced with an implication of falsehood. We use the tactic [intro H] to change the assumption of the implication into a hypothesis named [H]. *)
The negation is replaced with an implication of falsehood. We use the tactic %\index{tactics!intro}%[intro H] to change the assumption of the implication into a hypothesis named [H]. *)
intro H.
(** [[
@@ -1159,25 +1200,28 @@ The negation is replaced with an implication of falsehood. We use the tactic [i
This is the point in the proof where we apply some creativity. We define a function whose utility will become clear soon. *)
Definition f (b : bool) := if b then True else False.
Definition toProp (b : bool) := if b then True else False.
(** It is worth recalling the difference between the lowercase and uppercase versions of truth and falsehood: [True] and [False] are logical propositions, while [true] and [false] are boolean values that we can case-analyze. We have defined [f] such that our conclusion of [False] is computationally equivalent to [f false]. Thus, the [change] tactic will let us change the conclusion to [f false]. *)
(** It is worth recalling the difference between the lowercase and uppercase versions of truth and falsehood: [True] and [False] are logical propositions, while [true] and [false] are boolean values that we can case-analyze. We have defined [toProp] such that our conclusion of [False] is computationally equivalent to [toProp false]. Thus, the %\index{tactics!change}\coqdockw{%#<tt>#change#</tt>#%}% tactic will let us change the conclusion to [toProp false]. The general form %\coqdockw{%#<tt>#change#</tt>#%}% [e] replaces the conclusion with [e], whenever Coq's built-in computation rules suffice to establish the equivalence of [e] with the original conclusion. *)
Now the righthand side of [H]'s equality appears in the conclusion, so we can rewrite, using the notation [<-] to request to replace the righthand side the equality with the lefthand side. *)
Now the righthand side of [H]'s equality appears in the conclusion, so we can rewrite, using the notation [<-] to request to replace the righthand side the equality with the lefthand side.%\index{tactics!rewrite}% *)
rewrite <- H.
(** [[
H : true = false
f true
toProp true
@@ -1205,12 +1249,20 @@ We can perform a similar manual proof of injectivity of the constructor [S]. I
Theorem S_inj' : forall n m : nat, S n = S m -> n = m.
(* begin thide *)
intros n m H.
(* begin hide *)
change (pred (S n) = pred (S m)).
(* end hide *)
(** %\hspace{-.075in}\coqdockw{%#<tt>#change#</tt>#%}% [(][pred (][S n) = pred (][S m)).] *)
rewrite H.
(* end thide *)
(** The key piece of creativity in this theorem comes in the use of the natural number predecessor function [pred]. Embodied in the implementation of %\coqdockw{%#<tt>#injectivity#</tt>#%}% is a generic recipe for writing such type-specific functions.
The examples in this section illustrate an important aspect of the design philosophy behind Coq. We could certainly design a Gallina replacement that built in rules for constructor discrimination and injectivity, but a simpler alternative is to include a few carefully chosen rules that enable the desired reasoning patterns and many others. A key benefit of this philosophy is that the complexity of proof checking is minimized, which bolsters our confidence that proved theorems are really true. *)
(** * Exercises *)
@@ -1220,7 +1272,7 @@ Qed.
%\item%#<li># Modify the first example language of Chapter 2 to include variables, where variables are represented with [nat]. Extend the syntax and semantics of expressions to accommodate the change. Your new [expDenote] function should take as a new extra first argument a value of type [var -> nat], where [var] is a synonym for naturals-as-variables, and the function assigns a value to each variable. Define a constant folding function which does a bottom-up pass over an expression, at each stage replacing every binary operation on constants with an equivalent constant. Prove that constant folding preserves the meanings of expressions.#</li>#
%\item%#<li># Reimplement the second example language of Chapter 2 to use mutually-inductive types instead of dependent types. That is, define two separate (non-dependent) inductive types [nat_exp] and [bool_exp] for expressions of the two different types, rather than a single indexed type. To keep things simple, you may consider only the binary operators that take naturals as operands. Add natural number variables to the language, as in the last exercise, and add an %``%#"#if#"#%''% expression form taking as arguments one boolean expression and two natural number expressions. Define semantics and constant-folding functions for this new language. Your constant folding should simplify not just binary operations (returning naturals or booleans) with known arguments, but also %``%#"#if#"#%''% expressions with known values for their test expressions but possibly undetermined %``%#"#then#"#%''% and %``%#"#else#"#%''% cases. Prove that constant-folding a natural number expression preserves its meaning.#</li>#
%\item%#<li># Reimplement the second example language of Chapter 2 to use mutuallyinductive types instead of dependent types. That is, define two separate (non-dependent) inductive types [nat_exp] and [bool_exp] for expressions of the two different types, rather than a single indexed type. To keep things simple, you may consider only the binary operators that take naturals as operands. Add natural number variables to the language, as in the last exercise, and add an %``%#"#if#"#%''% expression form taking as arguments one boolean expression and two natural number expressions. Define semantics and constant-folding functions for this new language. Your constant folding should simplify not just binary operations (returning naturals or booleans) with known arguments, but also %``%#"#if#"#%''% expressions with known values for their test expressions but possibly undetermined %``%#"#then#"#%''% and %``%#"#else#"#%''% cases. Prove that constant-folding a natural number expression preserves its meaning.#</li>#
%\item%#<li># Using a reflexive inductive definition, define a type [nat_tree] of infinitary trees, with natural numbers at their leaves and a countable infinity of new trees branching out of each internal node. Define a function [increment] that increments the number in every leaf of a [nat_tree]. Define a function [leapfrog] over a natural [i] and a tree [nt]. [leapfrog] should recurse into the [i]th child of [nt], the [i+1]st child of that node, the [i+2]nd child of the next node, and so on, until reaching a leaf, in which case [leapfrog] should return the number at that leaf. Prove that the result of any call to [leapfrog] is incremented by one by calling [increment] on the tree.#</li>#