Commit 234d920e authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Cfold_correct, with a handful of cheating in the substitution lemma

parent a983f1ed
......@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ Inductive Step : forall t, Exp t -> Exp t -> Prop :=
Hint Constructors isCtx Step.
Inductive Closed : forall t, Exp t -> Prop :=
| CConst : forall b,
Closed (Const b)
| CConst : forall n,
Closed (Const n)
| CPlus : forall E1 E2,
Closed E1
-> Closed E2
......@@ -368,6 +368,8 @@ Lemma fold_Cfold1 : forall t1 t2 (E : Exp1 t1 t2),
Hint Rewrite fold_Cfold1 : fold.
Lemma fold_Subst_Cfold1 : forall t1 t2 (E : Exp1 t1 t2) (V : Exp t1),
(fun _ => flatten (cfold (E _ (V _))))
= Subst V (Cfold1 E).
......@@ -401,37 +403,6 @@ Qed.
Hint Rewrite fold_Subst : fold.
Definition ExpN (G : list type) (t : type) := forall var, hlist var G -> exp var t.
Definition ConstN G (n : nat) : ExpN G Nat :=
fun _ _ => Const' n.
Definition VarN G t (m : member t G) : ExpN G t := fun _ s => Var (hget s m).
Definition PlusN G (E1 E2 : ExpN G Nat) : ExpN G Nat :=
fun _ s => Plus' (E1 _ s) (E2 _ s).
Definition AppN G dom ran (F : ExpN G (dom --> ran)) (X : ExpN G dom) : ExpN G ran :=
fun _ s => App' (F _ s) (X _ s).
Definition AbsN G dom ran (B : ExpN (dom :: G) ran) : ExpN G (dom --> ran) :=
fun _ s => Abs' (fun x => B _ (x ::: s)).
Inductive ClosedN : forall G t, ExpN G t -> Prop :=
| CConstN : forall G b,
ClosedN (ConstN G b)
| CPlusN : forall G (E1 E2 : ExpN G _),
ClosedN E1
-> ClosedN E2
-> ClosedN (PlusN E1 E2)
| CAppN : forall G dom ran (E1 : ExpN G (dom --> ran)) E2,
ClosedN E1
-> ClosedN E2
-> ClosedN (AppN E1 E2)
| CAbsN : forall G dom ran (E1 : ExpN (dom :: G) ran),
ClosedN E1
-> ClosedN (AbsN E1).
Axiom closedN : forall G t (E : ExpN G t), ClosedN E.
Hint Resolve closedN.
Section Closed1.
Variable xt : type.
......@@ -446,8 +417,8 @@ Section Closed1.
fun _ s => Abs' (fun x => B _ x _ s).
Inductive Closed1 : forall t, Exp1 xt t -> Prop :=
| CConst1 : forall b,
Closed1 (Const1 b)
| CConst1 : forall n,
Closed1 (Const1 n)
| CPlus1 : forall E1 E2,
Closed1 E1
-> Closed1 E2
......@@ -464,285 +435,94 @@ End Closed1.
Hint Resolve closed1.
Definition CfoldN G t (E : ExpN G t) : ExpN G t := fun _ s => cfold (E _ s).
Theorem fold_CfoldN : forall G t (E : ExpN G t),
(fun _ s => cfold (E _ s)) = CfoldN E.
Definition SubstN t1 G t2 (E1 : ExpN G t1) (E2 : ExpN (G ++ t1 :: nil) t2) : ExpN G t2 :=
fun _ s => flatten (E2 _ (hmap (@Var _) s +++ E1 _ s ::: hnil)).
Lemma fold_SubstN : forall t1 G t2 (E1 : ExpN G t1) (E2 : ExpN (G ++ t1 :: nil) t2),
(fun _ s => flatten (E2 _ (hmap (@Var _) s +++ E1 _ s ::: hnil))) = SubstN E1 E2.
Hint Rewrite fold_CfoldN fold_SubstN : fold.
Ltac ssimp := unfold Subst, Cfold, CfoldN, SubstN in *; simpl in *; autorewrite with fold in *;
Ltac ssimp := unfold Subst, Cfold in *; simpl in *; autorewrite with fold in *;
repeat match goal with
| [ xt : type |- _ ] =>
rewrite (@fold_Subst xt) in *
autorewrite with fold in *.
Ltac uiper :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : _ = _ |- _ ] =>
generalize H; subst; intro H; rewrite (UIP_refl _ _ H)
Section eq_arg.
Variable A : Type.
Variable B : A -> Type.
Variable x : A.
Variables f g : forall x, B x.
Hypothesis Heq : f = g.
Theorem eq_arg : f x = g x.
End eq_arg.
Implicit Arguments eq_arg [A B f g].
(*Lemma Cfold_Subst_comm : forall G t (E : ExpN G t),
ClosedN E
-> forall t1 G' (pf : G = G' ++ t1 :: nil) V,
CfoldN (SubstN V (match pf in _ = G return ExpN G _ with refl_equal => E end))
= SubstN (CfoldN V) (CfoldN (match pf in _ = G return ExpN G _ with refl_equal => E end)).
induction 1; my_crush; uiper; ssimp; crush;
unfold ExpN; do 2 ext_eq.
generalize (eq_arg x0 (eq_arg x (IHClosedN1 _ _ (refl_equal _) V))).
generalize (eq_arg x0 (eq_arg x (IHClosedN2 _ _ (refl_equal _) V))).
match goal with
| [ |- _ = flatten (match ?E with
| Const' _ => _
| Plus' _ _ => _
| Var _ _ => _
| App' _ _ _ _ => _
| Abs' _ _ _ => _
end) ] => dep_destruct E
end; crush.
match goal with
| [ |- _ = flatten (match ?E with
| Const' _ => _
| Plus' _ _ => _
| Var _ _ => _
| App' _ _ _ _ => _
| Abs' _ _ _ => _
end) ] => dep_destruct E
end; crush.
match goal with
| [ |- match ?E with
| Const' _ => _
| Plus' _ _ => _
| Var _ _ => _
| App' _ _ _ _ => _
| Abs' _ _ _ => _
end = _ ] => dep_destruct E
end; crush.
rewrite <- H2.
dep_destruct e.
Lemma Cfold_Subst' : forall t (E V : Exp t),
E ===> V
-> forall t' B (V' : Exp t') V'', E = Cfold (Subst V' B)
-> V = Cfold V''
-> Closed1 B
-> Subst (Cfold V') (Cfold1 B) ===> Cfold V''.
induction 1; inversion 3; my_crush; ssimp; my_crush.
rewrite <- H0; auto.
apply cheat.
unfold ExpN; do 2 ext_eq.
generalize (eq_arg x0 (eq_arg x (IHClosedN1 _ _ (refl_equal _) V))).
generalize (eq_arg x0 (eq_arg x (IHClosedN2 _ _ (refl_equal _) V))).
unfold ExpN; do 2 ext_eq.
exact (eq_arg (x1 ::: x0) (eq_arg x (IHClosedN _ (dom :: G') (refl_equal _) (fun _ s => V _ (snd s))))).
Lemma Cfold_Subst' : forall t (E V' : Exp t),
E ===> V'
-> forall G xt (V : ExpN G xt) B, E = SubstN V B
-> ClosedN B
-> Subst (Cfold V) (Cfold1 B) ===> Cfold V'.
induction 1; inversion 2; my_crush; ssimp.
apply cheat.
instantiate (1 := Cfold1 B).
unfold Subst, Cfold1 in *; eauto.
unfold Subst, Cfold1 in *; eauto.
unfold Subst, Cfold; eauto.
my_crush; ssimp.
Lemma Cfold_Subst' : forall t (B : Exp1 xt t),
Closed1 B
-> forall V', Subst V B ===> V'
-> Subst (Cfold V) (Cfold1 B) ===> Cfold V'.
induction 1; my_crush; ssimp.
inversion H; my_crush.
apply cheat.
inversion H1; my_crush.
instantiate (1 := Cfold1 B).
change (Abs (Cfold1 B)) with (Cfold (Abs B)).
apply IHClosed1_1.
repeat rewrite (@fold_Subst_Cfold1 t') in *.
repeat rewrite fold_Cfold in *.
apply SApp with (Cfold1 B) V2.
unfold Abs, Subst, Cfold, Cfold1 in *.
match goal with
| [ (*H : ?F = ?G,*) H2 : ?X (fun _ => unit) = ?Y _ _ _ _ (fun _ => unit) |- _ ] =>
idtac(*match X with
| Y => fail 1
| _ =>
idtac(*assert (X = Y); [ unfold Exp; apply ext_eq; intro var;
let H' := fresh "H'" in
assert (H' : F var = G var); [ congruence
| match type of H' with
| ?X = ?Y =>
let X := eval hnf in X in
let Y := eval hnf in Y in
change (X = Y) in H'
end; injection H'; clear H'; my_crush' ]
| my_crush'; clear H2 ]*)
| [ |- _ ===> ?F ] =>
replace F with (fun var => cfold (Abs' (fun x : var _ => B var x)))
apply IHBigStep1; auto.
apply cheat.
clear H5 H3.
unfold Subst in *; simpl in *; autorewrite with fold in *.
Check fold_Subst.
repeat rewrite (@fold_Subst t1) in *.
simp (Subst (t2 := Nat) V).
induction 1; my_crush.
End Exp1.
Axiom closed1 : forall t1 t2 (E : Exp1 t1 t2), Closed1 E.
replace V2 with (Cfold V2).
unfold Cfold, Subst.
apply IHBigStep2; auto.
apply cheat.
apply cheat.
replace V2 with (Cfold V2).
unfold Subst, Cfold.
apply IHBigStep3; auto.
apply cheat.
apply cheat.
apply cheat.
Lemma Cfold_Subst' : forall t1 (V : Exp t1) t2 (B : Exp1 t1 t2),
Closed1 B
-> forall V', Subst V B ===> V'
Theorem Cfold_Subst : forall t1 t2 (V : Exp t1) B (V' : Exp t2),
Subst (Cfold V) (Cfold1 B) ===> Cfold V'
-> Subst (Cfold V) (Cfold1 B) ===> Cfold V'.
induction 1; my_crush.
unfold Subst in *; simpl in *; autorewrite with fold in *.
inversion H; my_crush.
unfold Subst in *; simpl in *; autorewrite with fold in *.
Check fold_Subst.
Hint Resolve Cfold_Subst'.
repeat rewrite (@fold_Subst t1) in *.
simp (Subst (t2 := Nat) V).
induction 1; my_crush.
Theorem Cfold_Subst : forall t1 t2 (V : Exp t1) B (V' : Exp t2),
Subst V B ===> V'
-> Subst (Cfold V) (Cfold1 B) ===> Cfold V'.
Hint Resolve Cfold_Subst.
Theorem Cfold_correct : forall t (E V : Exp t),
E ===> V
-> Cfold E ===> Cfold V.
induction 1; unfold Cfold in *; crush; simp; auto.
apply cheat.
econstructor; eauto.
match goal with
| [ |- ?E ===> ?V ] =>
try simp1 ltac:(fun E' => change (E' ===> V));
try match goal with
| [ |- ?E' ===> _ ] =>
simp1 ltac:(fun V' => change (E' ===> V'))
| [ H : ?E ===> ?V |- _ ] =>
try simp1 ltac:(fun E' => change (E' ===> V) in H);
try match type of H with
| ?E' ===> _ =>
simp1 ltac:(fun V' => change (E' ===> V') in H)
induction 1; unfold Cfold in *; crush; ssimp; eauto.
change ((fun H1 : type -> Type =>
match Cfold E1 H1 with
| Const' n3 =>
match Cfold E2 H1 with
| Const' n4 => Const' (var:=H1) (n3 + n4)
| Plus' _ _ => Plus' (cfold (E1 H1)) (cfold (E2 H1))
| Var _ _ => Plus' (cfold (E1 H1)) (cfold (E2 H1))
| App' _ _ _ _ => Plus' (cfold (E1 H1)) (cfold (E2 H1))
| Abs' _ _ _ => Plus' (cfold (E1 H1)) (cfold (E2 H1))
let H := IHBigStep1 in
match type of H with
| ?E ===> ?V =>
try simp1 ltac:(fun E' => change (E' ===> V) in H);
try match type of H with
| ?E' ===> _ =>
simp1 ltac:(fun V' => change (E' ===> V') in H)
| Plus' _ _ => Plus' (cfold (E1 H1)) (cfold (E2 H1))
| Var _ _ => Plus' (cfold (E1 H1)) (cfold (E2 H1))
| App' _ _ _ _ => Plus' (cfold (E1 H1)) (cfold (E2 H1))
| Abs' _ _ _ => Plus' (cfold (E1 H1)) (cfold (E2 H1))
end) ===> Const (n1 + n2)).
try simp1 ltac:(fun E' => change (E' ===> V) in H)
Ltac simp :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : _ = Cfold _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H in *
| [ H : Const _ ===> Const _ |- _ ] =>
inversion H; clear H; my_crush
try simp1 ltac:(fun E' => change (fun H : type -> Type => cfold (E1 H)) with E' in IHBigStep1).
try simp1 ltac:(fun V' => change (fun H : type -> Type =>
Abs' (dom:=dom) (fun x : H dom => cfold (B H x))) with V' in IHBigStep1).
simp1 ltac:(fun E => change ((fun H : type -> Type => cfold (E1 H)) ===> E) in IHBigStep1).
change ((fun H : type -> Type => cfold (E1 H)) ===> Abs (fun _ x => cfold (B _ x))) in IHBigStep1.
(fun H : type -> Type =>
Abs' (dom:=dom) (fun x : H dom => cfold (B H x)))
fold Cfold.
Definition ExpN (G : list type) (t : type) := forall var, hlist var G -> exp var t.
Definition ConstN G (n : nat) : ExpN G Nat :=
fun _ _ => Const' n.
Definition PlusN G (E1 E2 : ExpN G Nat) : ExpN G Nat :=
fun _ s => Plus' (E1 _ s) (E2 _ s).
Definition AppN G dom ran (F : ExpN G (dom --> ran)) (X : ExpN G dom) : ExpN G ran :=
fun _ s => App' (F _ s) (X _ s).
Definition AbsN G dom ran (B : ExpN (dom :: G) ran) : ExpN G (dom --> ran) :=
fun _ s => Abs' (fun x => B _ (x ::: s)).
generalize (closed (Cfold E1)); inversion 1; my_crush; simp;
try solve [ ssimp; simp; eauto ];
generalize (closed (Cfold E2)); inversion 1; my_crush; simp; ssimp; simp; eauto.
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