Commit 783ad71d authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

PatMatch Elaborate

parent d80c9cf8
......@@ -478,6 +478,7 @@ Module PatMatch.
Notation "'Inl' e" := (EInl e) (at level 71) : source_scope.
Notation "'Inr' e" := (EInr e) (at level 71) : source_scope.
Delimit Scope source_scope with source.
Bind Scope source_scope with exp.
Open Local Scope source_scope.
......@@ -561,7 +562,7 @@ Module PatMatch.
Import Source.
Section Elab.
Module Elab.
Section vars.
Variable var : type -> Type.
......@@ -663,4 +664,184 @@ Module PatMatch.
Definition ExpDenote t (E : Exp t) := expDenote (E _).
End Elab.
Import Elab.
Notation "x <- e1 ; e2" := ((\x, e2) @ e1)%source
(right associativity, at level 76, e1 at next level) : source_scope.
Notation "x <- e1 ; e2" := ((\x, e2) @ e1)%elab
(right associativity, at level 76, e1 at next level) : elab_scope.
Section choice_tree.
Open Scope source_scope.
Fixpoint choice_tree var (t : type) (result : Type) : Type :=
match t with
| t1 ** t2 =>
choice_tree var t1
(choice_tree var t2
| t1 ++ t2 =>
choice_tree var t1 result
* choice_tree var t2 result
| t => exp var t -> result
Fixpoint merge var t result {struct t}
: (result -> result -> result)
-> choice_tree var t result -> choice_tree var t result -> choice_tree var t result :=
match t return ((result -> result -> result)
-> choice_tree var t result -> choice_tree var t result -> choice_tree var t result) with
| _ ** _ => fun mr ct1 ct2 =>
merge _ _
(merge _ _ mr)
ct1 ct2
| _ ++ _ => fun mr ct1 ct2 =>
(merge var _ mr (fst ct1) (fst ct2),
merge var _ mr (snd ct1) (snd ct2))
| _ => fun mr ct1 ct2 e => mr (ct1 e) (ct2 e)
Fixpoint everywhere var t result {struct t}
: (exp var t -> result) -> choice_tree var t result :=
match t return ((exp var t -> result) -> choice_tree var t result) with
| t1 ** t2 => fun r =>
everywhere (t := t1) (fun e1 =>
everywhere (t := t2) (fun e2 =>
r ([e1, e2])%elab))
| _ ++ _ => fun r =>
(everywhere (fun e => r (Inl e)%elab),
everywhere (fun e => r (Inr e)%elab))
| _ => fun r => r
End choice_tree.
Implicit Arguments merge [var t result].
Section elaborate.
Open Local Scope elab_scope.
Fixpoint elaboratePat var t1 ts result (p : pat t1 ts) {struct p} :
(hlist (exp var) ts -> result) -> result -> choice_tree var t1 result :=
match p in (pat t1 ts) return ((hlist (exp var) ts -> result)
-> result -> choice_tree var t1 result) with
| PVar _ => fun succ fail =>
everywhere (fun disc => succ (disc, tt))
| PPair _ _ _ _ p1 p2 => fun succ fail =>
elaboratePat _ p1
(fun tup1 =>
elaboratePat _ p2
(fun tup2 =>
succ (happ tup1 tup2))
(everywhere (fun _ => fail))
| PInl _ _ _ p' => fun succ fail =>
(elaboratePat _ p' succ fail,
everywhere (fun _ => fail))
| PInr _ _ _ p' => fun succ fail =>
(everywhere (fun _ => fail),
elaboratePat _ p' succ fail)
Implicit Arguments elaboratePat [var t1 ts result].
Fixpoint letify var t ts {struct ts} : (hlist var ts -> exp var t)
-> hlist (exp var) ts -> exp var t :=
match ts return ((hlist var ts -> exp var t)
-> hlist (exp var) ts -> exp var t) with
| nil => fun f _ => f tt
| _ :: _ => fun f tup => letify _ (fun tup' => x <- fst tup; f (x, tup')) (snd tup)
Implicit Arguments letify [var t ts].
Fixpoint expand var result t1 t2
(out : result -> exp var t2) {struct t1}
: forall ct : choice_tree var t1 result,
exp var t1
-> exp var t2 :=
match t1 return (forall ct : choice_tree var t1 result, exp var t1
-> exp var t2) with
| (_ ** _)%source => fun ct disc =>
(fun ct' => expand out ct' (#2 disc)%source)
(#1 disc)
| (_ ++ _)%source => fun ct disc =>
Case disc
(fun x => expand out (fst ct) (#x))
(fun y => expand out (snd ct) (#y))
| _ => fun ct disc =>
x <- disc; out (ct (#x))
Definition mergeOpt A (o1 o2 : option A) :=
match o1 with
| None => o2
| _ => o1
Import Source.
Fixpoint elaborateMatches var t1 t2
(tss : list (list type)) {struct tss}
: (forall ts, member ts tss -> pat t1 ts)
-> (forall ts, member ts tss -> hlist var ts -> Elab.exp var t2)
-> choice_tree var t1 (option (Elab.exp var t2)) :=
match tss return (forall ts, member ts tss -> pat t1 ts)
-> (forall ts, member ts tss -> _)
-> _ with
| nil => fun _ _ =>
everywhere (fun _ => None)
| ts :: tss' => fun (ps : forall ts', member ts' (ts :: tss') -> pat t1 ts')
(es : forall ts', member ts' (ts :: tss') -> hlist var ts' -> Elab.exp var t2) =>
merge (@mergeOpt _)
(elaboratePat (ps _ (hfirst (refl_equal _)))
(fun ts => Some (letify
(fun ts' => es _ (hfirst (refl_equal _)) ts')
(elaborateMatches tss'
(fun _ mem => ps _ (hnext mem))
(fun _ mem => es _ (hnext mem)))
Implicit Arguments elaborateMatches [var t1 t2 tss].
Open Scope cps_scope.
Fixpoint elaborate var t (e : Source.exp var t) {struct e} : Elab.exp var t :=
match e in (Source.exp _ t) return (Elab.exp var t) with
| Var _ v => #v
| EUnit => ()
| App _ _ e1 e2 => elaborate e1 @ elaborate e2
| Abs _ _ e' => \x, elaborate (e' x)
| Pair _ _ e1 e2 => [elaborate e1, elaborate e2]
| EInl _ _ e' => Inl (elaborate e')
| EInr _ _ e' => Inr (elaborate e')
| Case _ _ _ e' ps es def =>
(fun eo => match eo with
| None => elaborate def
| Some e => e
(elaborateMatches ps (fun _ mem env => elaborate (es _ mem env)))
(elaborate e')
End elaborate.
Definition Elaborate t (E : Source.Exp t) : Elab.Exp t :=
fun _ => elaborate (E _).
End PatMatch.
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