Commit 7c543be3 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Pass through DataStruct, to incorporate new coqdoc features; globally replace...

Pass through DataStruct, to incorporate new coqdoc features; globally replace [refl_equal] with [eq_refl]
parent 8b43a128
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ forall t' ts t (e : exp (t' :: ts) t) (e' : exp ts t') (s : hlist typeDenote ts)
%\item%#<li># Define a recursive function [subst' : forall ts t (e : exp ts t) ts1 t' ts2, ts = ts1 ++ t' :: ts2 -> exp (ts1 ++ ts2) t' -> exp (ts1 ++ ts2) t]. This is the workhorse of substitution in expressions, employing the same proof-passing trick as for [lift']. You will probably want to use [lift] somewhere in the definition of [subst'].#</li>#
%\item%#<li># Now [subst] should be a one-liner, defined in terms of [subst'].#</li>#
%\item%#<li># Prove a correctness theorem for each auxiliary function, leading up to the proof of [subst] correctness.#</li>#
%\item%#<li># All of the reasoning about equality proofs in these theorems follows a regular pattern. If you have an equality proof that you want to replace with [refl_equal] somehow, run [generalize] on that proof variable. Your goal is to get to the point where you can [rewrite] with the original proof to change the type of the generalized version. To avoid type errors (the infamous %``%#"#second-order unification#"#%''% failure messages), it will be helpful to run [generalize] on other pieces of the proof context that mention the equality's lefthand side. You might also want to use [generalize dependent], which generalizes not just one variable but also all variables whose types depend on it. [generalize dependent] has the sometimes-helpful property of removing from the context all variables that it generalizes. Once you do manage the mind-bending trick of using the equality proof to rewrite its own type, you will be able to rewrite with [UIP_refl].#</li>#
%\item%#<li># All of the reasoning about equality proofs in these theorems follows a regular pattern. If you have an equality proof that you want to replace with [eq_refl] somehow, run [generalize] on that proof variable. Your goal is to get to the point where you can [rewrite] with the original proof to change the type of the generalized version. To avoid type errors (the infamous %``%#"#second-order unification#"#%''% failure messages), it will be helpful to run [generalize] on other pieces of the proof context that mention the equality's lefthand side. You might also want to use [generalize dependent], which generalizes not just one variable but also all variables whose types depend on it. [generalize dependent] has the sometimes-helpful property of removing from the context all variables that it generalizes. Once you do manage the mind-bending trick of using the equality proof to rewrite its own type, you will be able to rewrite with [UIP_refl].#</li>#
%\item%#<li># The [ext_eq] axiom from the end of this chapter is available in the Coq standard library as [functional_extensionality] in module [FunctionalExtensionality], and you will probably want to use it in the [lift'] and [subst'] correctness proofs.#</li>#
%\item%#<li># The [change] tactic should come in handy in the proofs about [lift] and [subst], where you want to introduce %``%#"#extraneous#"#%''% list concatenations with [nil] to match the forms of earlier theorems.#</li>#
%\item%#<li># Be careful about [destruct]ing a term %``%#"#too early.#"#%''% You can use [generalize] on proof terms to bring into the proof context any important propositions about the term. Then, when you [destruct] the term, it is updated in the extra propositions, too. The [case_eq] tactic is another alternative to this approach, based on saving an equality between the original term and its new form.#</li>#
......@@ -332,14 +332,14 @@ Ltac run' := unfold run, runTo in *; try red; crush;
case_eq M; intros ? ? Heq; try rewrite Heq in *; subst
| [ H : forall n v, ?E n = Some v -> _,
_ : context[match ?E ?N with Some _ => _ | None => _ end] |- _ ] =>
specialize (H N); destruct (E N); try rewrite (H _ (refl_equal _)) by auto; try discriminate
specialize (H N); destruct (E N); try rewrite (H _ (eq_refl _)) by auto; try discriminate
| [ H : forall n v, ?E n = Some v -> _, H' : ?E _ = Some _ |- _ ] => rewrite (H _ _ H') by auto
end; simpl in *); eauto 7.
Ltac run := run'; repeat (match goal with
| [ H : forall n v, ?E n = Some v -> _
|- context[match ?E ?N with Some _ => _ | None => _ end] ] =>
specialize (H N); destruct (E N); try rewrite (H _ (refl_equal _)) by auto; try discriminate
specialize (H N); destruct (E N); try rewrite (H _ (eq_refl _)) by auto; try discriminate
end; run').
Lemma ex_irrelevant : forall P : Prop, P -> exists n : nat, P.
......@@ -536,12 +536,12 @@ End Fix.
(* begin hide *)
Lemma leq_Some : forall A (x y : A), leq (Some x) (Some y)
-> x = y.
intros ? ? ? H; generalize (H _ (refl_equal _)); crush.
intros ? ? ? H; generalize (H _ (eq_refl _)); crush.
Lemma leq_None : forall A (x y : A), leq (Some x) None
-> False.
intros ? ? ? H; generalize (H _ (refl_equal _)); crush.
intros ? ? ? H; generalize (H _ (eq_refl _)); crush.
Ltac mergeSort' := run;
......@@ -565,13 +565,13 @@ Finished transaction in 2. secs (1.264079u,0.s)
(** %\vspace{-.15in}%[[
== intro x; intro y; intro H; intro H0; intro H4;
simple eapply trans_eq.
simple apply refl_equal.
simple apply eq_refl.
simple eapply trans_eq.
simple apply refl_equal.
simple apply eq_refl.
simple eapply trans_eq.
simple apply refl_equal.
simple apply eq_refl.
simple apply H1.
eexact H.
......@@ -596,20 +596,20 @@ Finished transaction in 2. secs (1.264079u,0.s) depth=6 intro depth=5 apply H3 depth=4 eapply trans_eq depth=4 apply refl_equal depth=4 apply eq_refl depth=3 eapply trans_eq depth=3 apply refl_equal depth=3 apply eq_refl depth=2 eapply trans_eq depth=2 apply refl_equal depth=2 apply eq_refl depth=1 eapply trans_eq depth=1 apply refl_equal depth=1 apply eq_refl depth=0 eapply trans_eq depth=1 apply sym_eq ; trivial depth=0 eapply trans_eq depth=0 eapply trans_eq depth=2 apply sym_eq ; trivial depth=1 eapply trans_eq depth=1 apply refl_equal depth=1 apply eq_refl depth=0 eapply trans_eq depth=1 apply sym_eq ; trivial depth=0 eapply trans_eq
......@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ Definition matches : forall P (r : regexp P) s, {P s} + {~ P s}.
| Star _ r => dec_star _ _ _
end); crush;
match goal with
| [ H : _ |- _ ] => generalize (H _ _ (refl_equal _))
| [ H : _ |- _ ] => generalize (H _ _ (eq_refl _))
end; tauto.
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Inductive prod := .
Inductive and := conj.
Inductive or := or_introl | or_intror.
Inductive ex := ex_intro.
Inductive eq := refl_equal.
Inductive eq := eq_refl.
Reset unit.
(* end thide *)
(* end hide *)
......@@ -466,11 +466,11 @@ For instance, our definition [isZero] makes the predicate provable only when the
Print eq.
(** [[
Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop := refl_equal : x = x
Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop := eq_refl : x = x
Behind the scenes, uses of infix [=] are expanded to instances of [eq]. We see that [eq] has both a parameter [x] that is fixed and an extra unnamed argument of the same type. The type of [eq] allows us to state any equalities, even those that are provably false. However, examining the type of equality's sole constructor [refl_equal], we see that we can only _prove_ equality when its two arguments are syntactically equal. This definition turns out to capture all of the basic properties of equality, and the equality-manipulating tactics that we have seen so far, like [reflexivity] and [rewrite], are implemented treating [eq] as just another inductive type with a well-chosen definition. Another way of stating that definition is: equality is defined as the least reflexive relation.
Behind the scenes, uses of infix [=] are expanded to instances of [eq]. We see that [eq] has both a parameter [x] that is fixed and an extra unnamed argument of the same type. The type of [eq] allows us to state any equalities, even those that are provably false. However, examining the type of equality's sole constructor [eq_refl], we see that we can only _prove_ equality when its two arguments are syntactically equal. This definition turns out to capture all of the basic properties of equality, and the equality-manipulating tactics that we have seen so far, like [reflexivity] and [rewrite], are implemented treating [eq] as just another inductive type with a well-chosen definition. Another way of stating that definition is: equality is defined as the least reflexive relation.
Returning to the example of [isZero], we can see how to work with hypotheses that use this predicate. *)
......@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ t1 =
fun a b c d : A =>
monoid_reflect (Op (Op (Op (Var a) (Var b)) (Var c)) (Var d))
(Op (Op (Var a) (Op (Var b) (Var c))) (Var d))
(refl_equal (a + (b + (c + (d + e)))))
(eq_refl (a + (b + (c + (d + e)))))
: forall a b c d : A, a + b + c + d = a + (b + c) + d
......@@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ We can continue on in the process of refining [pred]'s type. Let us change its
Definition pred_strong3 (s : {n : nat | n > 0}) : {m : nat | proj1_sig s = S m} :=
match s return {m : nat | proj1_sig s = S m} with
| exist 0 pf => match zgtz pf with end
| exist (S n') pf => exist _ n' (refl_equal _)
| exist (S n') pf => exist _ n' (eq_refl _)
Eval compute in pred_strong3 (exist _ 2 two_gt0).
(** %\vspace{-.15in}% [[
= exist (fun m : nat => 2 = S m) 1 (refl_equal 2)
= exist (fun m : nat => 2 = S m) 1 (eq_refl 2)
: {m : nat | proj1_sig (exist (lt 0) 2 two_gt0) = S m}
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ match n as n0 return (n0 > 0 -> {m : nat | n0 = S m}) with
(Bool.absurd_eq_true false (pred_strong4_subproof n _)))))
| S n' =>
fun _ : S n' > 0 =>
exist (fun m : nat => S n' = S m) n' (refl_equal (S n'))
exist (fun m : nat => S n' = S m) n' (eq_refl (S n'))
: forall n : nat, n > 0 -> {m : nat | n = S m}
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ We see the code we entered, with some proofs filled in. The first proof obligat
Eval compute in pred_strong4 two_gt0.
(** %\vspace{-.15in}% [[
= exist (fun m : nat => 2 = S m) 1 (refl_equal 2)
= exist (fun m : nat => 2 = S m) 1 (eq_refl 2)
: {m : nat | 2 = S m}
......@@ -755,13 +755,13 @@ Print eq_rect_eq.
This axiom says that it is permissible to simplify pattern matches over proofs of equalities like [e = e]. The axiom is logically equivalent to some simpler corollaries. In the theorem names, %``%#"#UIP#"#%''% stands for %\index{unicity of identity proofs}``%#"#unicity of identity proofs#"#%''%, where %``%#"#identity#"#%''% is a synonym for %``%#"#equality.#"#%''% *)
Corollary UIP_refl : forall A (x : A) (pf : x = x), pf = refl_equal x.
intros; replace pf with (eq_rect x (eq x) (refl_equal x) x pf); [
Corollary UIP_refl : forall A (x : A) (pf : x = x), pf = eq_refl x.
intros; replace pf with (eq_rect x (eq x) (eq_refl x) x pf); [
symmetry; apply eq_rect_eq
| exact (match pf as pf' return match pf' in _ = y return x = y with
| refl_equal => refl_equal x
| eq_refl => eq_refl x
end = pf' with
| refl_equal => refl_equal _
| eq_refl => eq_refl _
end) ].
......@@ -875,12 +875,12 @@ Definition choice_Set (A B : Type) (R : A -> B -> Prop) (H : forall x : A, {y :
Definition cast (x y : Set) (pf : x = y) (v : x) : y :=
match pf with
| refl_equal => v
| eq_refl => v
(** Computation over programs that use [cast] can proceed smoothly. *)
Eval compute in (cast (refl_equal (nat -> nat)) (fun n => S n)) 12.
Eval compute in (cast (eq_refl (nat -> nat)) (fun n => S n)) 12.
(** %\vspace{-.15in}%[[
= 13
: nat
......@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ Qed.
Eval compute in (cast t3 (fun _ => First)) 12.
(** [[
= match t3 in (_ = P) return P with
| refl_equal => fun n : nat => First
| eq_refl => fun n : nat => First
end 12
: fin (12 + 1)
......@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ Eval compute in cast (t4 13) First.
: fin (13 + 1)
This simple computational reduction hides the use of a recursive function to produce a suitable [refl_equal] proof term. The recursion originates in our use of [induction] in [t4]'s proof. *)
This simple computational reduction hides the use of a recursive function to produce a suitable [eq_refl] proof term. The recursion originates in our use of [induction] in [t4]'s proof. *)
(** ** Methods for Avoiding Axioms *)
......@@ -995,8 +995,8 @@ Definition finOut n (f : fin n) : match n return fin n -> Type with
| _ => fun f => {f' : _ | f = Next f'} + {f = First}
end f :=
match f with
| First _ => inright _ (refl_equal _)
| Next _ f' => inleft _ (exist _ f' (refl_equal _))
| First _ => inright _ (eq_refl _)
| Next _ f' => inleft _ (exist _ f' (eq_refl _))
(* end thide *)
......@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ Section withTypes.
match natIndex return nth_error (t :: ts) natIndex = Some nat -> nat with
| O => fun pf =>
match Some_inj pf in _ = T return T with
| refl_equal => x
| eq_refl => x
| S natIndex' => getNat values'' natIndex'
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