Commit 9864c6c0 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

First cut at spellcheck filter

parent d2f328ef
let read_line () =
Some (read_line ())
with End_of_file -> None
let strstr' p s n =
Some (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string p) s n)
with Not_found -> None
let strstr p s = strstr' p s 0
let prefix s1 s2 = String.length s2 >= String.length s1 && Str.string_before s2 (String.length s1) = s1
let sanitize s =
let rec san n acc =
let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "\\[\\|%\\|#") s n in
let ender = match s.[pos] with
| '[' -> ']'
| _ -> s.[pos] in
let pos' = String.index_from s (pos+1) ender in
san (pos'+1) (acc ^ String.sub s n (pos-n))
with Not_found -> acc ^ Str.string_after s n
in san 0 ""
let rec initial () =
match read_line () with
| None -> ()
| Some line ->
match strstr "(**" line with
| None -> initial ()
| Some pos ->
match strstr "*)" line with
| None ->
begin match strstr "[[" line with
| None ->
print_endline (sanitize (Str.string_after line (pos+3)));
comment ()
| Some _ -> runTo "]]"
| Some pos' ->
let rest = Str.string_after line (pos+3) in
if not (prefix " printing" rest || prefix " begin" rest || prefix " end" rest) then
print_endline (sanitize (String.sub line (pos+3) (pos' - (pos+3))));
initial ()
and comment () =
match read_line () with
| None -> ()
| Some line ->
match strstr "*)" line with
| None ->
begin match strstr "[[" line with
| None ->
begin match strstr "<<" line with
| None ->
print_endline (sanitize line);
comment ()
| Some _ -> runTo ">>"
| Some _ -> runTo "]]"
| Some pos ->
print_endline (sanitize (Str.string_before line pos));
initial ()
and runTo ender =
match read_line () with
| None -> ()
| Some line ->
match strstr ender line with
| None -> runTo ender
| _ ->
match strstr "*)" line with
| None -> comment ()
| _ -> initial ()
let () = initial ()
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