Commit a0c1af6f authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

One more example of avoiding axioms (getNat)

parent e0fa0633
(* Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Adam Chlipala
(* Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Adam Chlipala
* This work is licensed under a
* Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
(* begin hide *)
Require Import List.
Require Import DepList CpdtTactics.
Set Implicit Arguments.
......@@ -1016,4 +1018,152 @@ Print Assumptions proj1_again.
Closed under the global context
This example illustrates again how some of the same design patterns we learned for dependently typed programming can be used fruitfully in theorem statements. *)
This example illustrates again how some of the same design patterns we learned for dependently typed programming can be used fruitfully in theorem statements.
To close the chapter, we consider one final way to avoid dependence on axioms. Often this task is equivalent to writing definitions such that they %\emph{%#<i>#compute#</i>#%}%. That is, we want Coq's normal reduction to be able to run certain programs to completion. Here is a simple example where such computation can get stuck. In proving properties of such functions, we would need to apply axioms like %\index{axiom K}%K manually to make progress.
Imagine we are working with %\index{deep embedding}%deeply embedded syntax of some programming language, where each term is considered to be in the scope of a number of free variables that hold normal Coq values. To enforce proper typing, we will need to model a Coq typing environment somehow. One natural choice is as a list of types, where variable number [i] will be treated as a reference to the [i]th element of the list. *)
Section withTypes.
Variable types : list Set.
(** To give the semantics of terms, we will need to represent value environments, which assign each variable a term of the proper type. *)
Variable values : hlist (fun x : Set => x) types.
(** Now imagine that we are writing some procedure that operates on a distinguished variable of type [nat]. A hypothesis formalizes this assumption, using the standard library function [nth_error] for looking up list elements by position. *)
Variable natIndex : nat.
Variable natIndex_ok : nth_error types natIndex = Some nat.
(** It is not hard to use this hypothesis to write a function for extracting the [nat] value in position [natIndex] of [values], starting with two helpful lemmas, each of which we finish with [Defined] to mark the lemma as transparent, so that its definition may be expanded during evaluation. *)
Lemma nth_error_nil : forall A n x,
nth_error (@nil A) n = Some x
-> False.
destruct n; simpl; unfold error; congruence.
Implicit Arguments nth_error_nil [A n x].
Lemma Some_inj : forall A (x y : A),
Some x = Some y
-> x = y.
Fixpoint getNat (types' : list Set) (values' : hlist (fun x : Set => x) types')
(natIndex : nat) : (nth_error types' natIndex = Some nat) -> nat :=
match values' with
| HNil => fun pf => match nth_error_nil pf with end
| HCons t ts x values'' =>
match natIndex return nth_error (t :: ts) natIndex = Some nat -> nat with
| O => fun pf =>
match Some_inj pf in _ = T return T with
| refl_equal => x
| S natIndex' => getNat values'' natIndex'
End withTypes.
(** The problem becomes apparent when we experiment with running [getNat] on a concrete [types] list. *)
Definition myTypes := unit :: nat :: bool :: nil.
Definition myValues : hlist (fun x : Set => x) myTypes :=
tt ::: 3 ::: false ::: HNil.
Definition myNatIndex := 1.
Theorem myNatIndex_ok : nth_error myTypes myNatIndex = Some nat.
Eval compute in getNat myValues myNatIndex myNatIndex_ok.
(** %\vspace{-.15in}%[[
= 3
We have not hit the problem yet, since we proceeded with a concrete equality proof for [myNatIndex_ok]. However, consider a case where we want to reason about the behavior of [getNat] %\emph{%#<i>#independently#</i>#%}% of a specific proof. *)
Theorem getNat_is_reasonable : forall pf, getNat myValues myNatIndex pf = 3.
intro; compute.
1 subgoal
pf : nth_error myTypes myNatIndex = Some nat
pf in (_ = y)
return (nat = match y with
| Some H => H
| None => nat
| eq_refl => eq_refl
end in (_ = T) return T
| eq_refl => 3
end = 3
Since the details of the equality proof [pf] are not known, computation can proceed no further. A rewrite with axiom K would allow us to make progress, but we can rethink the definitions a bit to avoid depending on axioms. *)
(** Here is a definition of a function that turns out to be useful, though no doubt its purpose will be mysterious for now. A call [update ls n x] overwrites the [n]th position of the list [ls] with the value [x], padding the end of the list with extra [x] values as needed to ensure sufficient length. *)
Fixpoint copies A (x : A) (n : nat) : list A :=
match n with
| O => nil
| S n' => x :: copies x n'
Fixpoint update A (ls : list A) (n : nat) (x : A) : list A :=
match ls with
| nil => copies x n ++ x :: nil
| y :: ls' => match n with
| O => x :: ls'
| S n' => y :: update ls' n' x
(** Now let us revisit the definition of [getNat]. *)
Section withTypes'.
Variable types : list Set.
Variable natIndex : nat.
(** Here is the trick: instead of asserting properties about the list [types], we build a %``%#"#new#"#%''% list that is %\emph{%#<i>#guaranteed by construction#</i>#%}% to have those properties. *)
Definition types' := update types natIndex nat.
Variable values : hlist (fun x : Set => x) types'.
(** Now a bit of dependent pattern matching helps us rewrite [getNat] in a way that avoids any use of equality proofs. *)
Fixpoint getNat' (types'' : list Set) (natIndex : nat)
: hlist (fun x : Set => x) (update types'' natIndex nat) -> nat :=
match types'' with
| nil => fun vs => hhd vs
| t :: types0 =>
match natIndex return hlist (fun x : Set => x)
(update (t :: types0) natIndex nat) -> nat with
| O => fun vs => hhd vs
| S natIndex' => fun vs => getNat' types0 natIndex' (htl vs)
End withTypes'.
(** Now the surprise comes in how easy it is to %\emph{%#<i>#use#</i>#%}% [getNat']. While typing works by modification of a types list, we can choose parameters so that the modification has no effect. *)
Theorem getNat_is_reasonable : getNat' myTypes myNatIndex myValues = 3.
(** The same parameters as before work without alteration, and we avoid use of axioms. *)
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