Commit b5d37b21 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Simplify Concrete

parent cd169938
......@@ -78,46 +78,9 @@ Module Concrete.
Hint Constructors hasType.
Notation "x ## G" := (forall t' : type, In (x, t') G -> False) (no associativity, at level 90).
Notation "G' # G" := (forall (x : var) (t : type), In (x, t) G -> x ## G') (no associativity, at level 90).
Lemma lookup_In : forall G x t,
G |-v x : t
-> In (x, t) G.
induction 1; crush.
Hint Resolve lookup_In.
Lemma disjoint_invert1 : forall G x t G' x' t',
G |-v x : t
-> (x', t') :: G' # G
-> x <> x'.
crush; eauto.
Lemma disjoint_invert2 : forall G' G p,
p :: G' # G
-> G' # G.
Hint Resolve disjoint_invert1 disjoint_invert2.
Hint Extern 1 (_ <> _) => (intro; subst).
Lemma weaken_lookup' : forall G x t,
G |-v x : t
-> forall G', G' # G
-> G' ++ G |-v x : t.
induction G' as [ | [x' t'] tl ]; crush; eauto 9.
Lemma weaken_lookup : forall x t G' G1,
G1 |-v x : t
-> G1 ++ G' |-v x : t.
Hint Resolve weaken_lookup'.
induction G1 as [ | [x' t'] tl ]; crush;
match goal with
| [ H : _ |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H; crush
......@@ -145,14 +108,7 @@ Module Concrete.
intros; rewrite (app_nil_end G); apply weaken_hasType; auto.
Theorem weaken_hasType1 : forall e t,
nil |-e e : t
-> forall x t', (x, t') :: nil |-e e : t.
intros; change ((x, t') :: nil) with (((x, t') :: nil) ++ nil);
apply weaken_hasType; crush.
Hint Resolve weaken_hasType_closed weaken_hasType1.
Hint Resolve weaken_hasType_closed.
Section subst.
Variable x : var.
......@@ -175,14 +131,9 @@ Module Concrete.
Variable xt : type.
Hypothesis Ht' : nil |-e e1 : xt.
Lemma subst_lookup' : forall G2 x' t,
x' ## G2
-> (x, xt) :: G2 |-v x' : t
-> t = xt.
inversion 2; crush; elimtype False; eauto.
Notation "x # G" := (forall t' : type, In (x, t') G -> False) (no associativity, at level 90).
Lemma subst_lookup : forall x' t,
Lemma subst_lookup' : forall x' t,
x <> x'
-> forall G1, G1 ++ (x, xt) :: nil |-v x' : t
-> G1 |-v x' : t.
......@@ -192,14 +143,12 @@ Module Concrete.
end; crush.
Hint Resolve subst_lookup.
Hint Resolve subst_lookup'.
Lemma subst_lookup'' : forall x' t G1,
x' ## G1
Lemma subst_lookup : forall x' t G1,
x' # G1
-> G1 ++ (x, xt) :: nil |-v x' : t
-> t = xt.
Hint Resolve subst_lookup'.
induction G1 as [ | [x'' t'] tl ]; crush; eauto;
match goal with
| [ H : _ |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H
......@@ -209,19 +158,7 @@ Module Concrete.
Implicit Arguments subst_lookup'' [x' t G1].
Lemma disjoint_cons : forall x x' t (G : ctx),
x ## G
-> x' <> x
-> x ## (x', t) :: G.
match goal with
| [ H : (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ ] => injection H
end; crush.
Hint Resolve disjoint_cons.
Implicit Arguments subst_lookup [x' t G1].
Lemma shadow_lookup : forall v t t' G1,
G1 |-v x : t'
......@@ -258,18 +195,30 @@ Module Concrete.
Hint Resolve shadow_hasType.
Lemma disjoint_cons : forall x x' t (G : ctx),
x # G
-> x' <> x
-> x # (x', t) :: G.
match goal with
| [ H : (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ ] => injection H
end; crush.
Hint Resolve disjoint_cons.
Theorem subst_hasType : forall G e2 t,
G |-e e2 : t
-> forall G1, G = G1 ++ (x, xt) :: nil
-> x ## G1
-> x # G1
-> G1 |-e subst e2 : t.
induction 1; crush;
try match goal with
| [ |- context[if ?E then _ else _] ] => destruct E
end; crush; eauto 6;
match goal with
| [ H1 : x ## _, H2 : _ |-v x : _ |- _ ] =>
rewrite (subst_lookup'' H1 H2)
| [ H1 : x # _, H2 : _ |-v x : _ |- _ ] =>
rewrite (subst_lookup H1 H2)
end; crush.
......@@ -424,14 +373,7 @@ Module DeBruijn.
intros; rewrite (app_nil_end G); apply weaken_hasType; auto.
Theorem weaken_hasType1 : forall e t,
nil |-e e : t
-> forall t', t' :: nil |-e e : t.
intros; change (t' :: nil) with ((t' :: nil) ++ nil);
apply weaken_hasType; crush.
Hint Resolve weaken_hasType_closed weaken_hasType1.
Hint Resolve weaken_hasType_closed.
Section subst.
Variable e1 : exp.
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