Commit d73b0ae1 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala


parent 63f6560a
......@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ Fixpoint map_funcs var T1 T2 (f : T1 -> T2) (fs : funcs var T1) {struct fs}
| Abs _ _ _ e fs' => Abs e (fun x => map_funcs f (fs' x))
Definition CcTerm' t (E : Source.Exp t) (Hwf : wfExp (envT := nil) tt (E _)) : Prog (ccType t) :=
Definition CcExp' t (E : Source.Exp t) (Hwf : wfExp (envT := nil) tt (E _)) : Prog (ccType t) :=
fun _ => map_funcs (fun f => f tt) (ccExp (E _) (envT := nil) tt Hwf).
......@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ Fixpoint lr (t : Source.type) : Source.typeDenote t -> Closed.typeDenote (ccType
-> lr ran (f1 x1) (f2 x2)
Theorem ccTerm_correct : forall t G
Theorem ccExp_correct : forall t G
(e1 : Source.exp Source.typeDenote t)
(e2 : Source.exp natvar t),
exp_equiv G e1 e2
......@@ -1044,64 +1044,51 @@ Qed.
(** * Parametric version *)
Section wf.
Variable result : ptype.
Lemma Pterm_wf' : forall G (e1 e2 : pterm natvar result),
pterm_equiv G e1 e2
Lemma Exp_wf' : forall G t (e1 e2 : Source.exp natvar t),
exp_equiv G e1 e2
-> forall envT (fvs : isfree envT),
(forall t (v1 v2 : natvar t), In (vars (v1, v2)) G
(forall t (v1 v2 : natvar t), In (existT _ _ (v1, v2)) G
-> lookup_type v1 fvs = Some t)
-> wfTerm fvs e1.
Hint Extern 3 (Some _ = Some _) => contradictory; eapply lookup_bound_contra; eauto.
-> wfExp fvs e1.
Hint Extern 3 (Some _ = Some _) => elimtype False; eapply lookup_bound_contra; eauto.
apply (pterm_equiv_mut
(fun G (e1 e2 : pterm natvar result) =>
forall envT (fvs : isfree envT),
(forall t (v1 v2 : natvar t), In (vars (v1, v2)) G
-> lookup_type v1 fvs = Some t)
-> wfTerm (envT:=envT) fvs e1)
(fun G t (p1 p2 : pprimop natvar result t) =>
forall envT (fvs : isfree envT),
(forall t (v1 v2 : natvar t), In (vars (v1, v2)) G
-> lookup_type v1 fvs = Some t)
-> wfPrimop (envT:=envT) fvs p1));
match goal with
| [ envT : list ptype, H : _ |- _ ] =>
apply (H (length envT) (length envT)); simpler
induction 1; crush.
eapply H0.
apply H0 with (length envT).
Theorem Pterm_wf : forall (E : Pterm result),
wfTerm (envT := nil) tt (E _).
intros; eapply Pterm_wf';
[apply Pterm_equiv
| simpler].
Theorem Exp_wf : forall t (E : Source.Exp t),
wfExp (envT := nil) tt (E _).
intros; eapply Exp_wf';
[apply Exp_equiv
| crush].
End wf.
Definition CcTerm result (E : Pterm result) : Cprog result :=
CcTerm' E (Pterm_wf E).
Definition CcExp t (E : Source.Exp t) : Prog (ccType t) :=
CcExp' E (Exp_wf E).
Lemma map_funcs_correct : forall result T1 T2 (f : T1 -> T2) (fs : cfuncs ctypeDenote result T1) k,
cfuncsDenote (map_funcs f fs) k = f (cfuncsDenote fs k).
induction fs; equation.
Lemma map_funcs_correct : forall T1 T2 (f : T1 -> T2) (fs : funcs Closed.typeDenote T1),
funcsDenote (map_funcs f fs) = f (funcsDenote fs).
induction fs; crush.
Theorem CcTerm_correct : forall result (E : Pterm result) k,
PtermDenote E k
= CprogDenote (CcTerm E) k.
Hint Rewrite map_funcs_correct : ltamer.
Theorem CcExp_correct : forall (E : Source.Exp Nat),
Source.ExpDenote E
= ProgDenote (CcExp E).
Hint Rewrite map_funcs_correct : cpdt.
unfold PtermDenote, CprogDenote, CcTerm, CcTerm', cprogDenote;
apply (ccTerm_correct (result := result)
unfold Source.ExpDenote, ProgDenote, CcExp, CcExp', progDenote; crush;
apply (ccExp_correct
(G := nil)
(e1 := E _)
(e2 := E _)
(Pterm_equiv _ _ _)
(Exp_equiv _ _ _)
tt); crush.
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