Commit dfa9fe9d authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Get it working in Coq 8.4beta1; use nice coqdoc notation for italics

parent 956837df
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(* Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Adam Chlipala
(* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Adam Chlipala
* This work is licensed under a
* Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ Eval simpl in expDenote (App (Abs (Var MFirst)) Const) MNil.
(** * Recursive Type Definitions *)
(** %\index{recursive type definition}%There is another style of datatype definition that leads to much simpler definitions of the [get] and [hget] definitions above. Because Coq supports %``%#"#type-level computation,#"#%''% we can redo our inductive definitions as %\textit{%#<i>#recursive#</i>#%}% definitions. *)
(** %\index{recursive type definition}%There is another style of datatype definition that leads to much simpler definitions of the [get] and [hget] definitions above. Because Coq supports %``%#"#type-level computation,#"#%''% we can redo our inductive definitions as _recursive_ definitions. *)
(* EX: Come up with an alternate [ilist] definition that makes it easier to write [get]. *)
......@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ Error: Non strictly positive occurrence of "tree" in
The special-case rule for nested datatypes only works with nested uses of other inductive types, which could be replaced with uses of new mutually inductive types. We defined [filist] recursively, so it may not be used for nested recursion.
Our final solution uses yet another of the inductive definition techniques introduced in Chapter 3, %\index{reflexive inductive type}%reflexive types. Instead of merely using [fin] to get elements out of [ilist], we can %\textit{%#<i>#define#</i>#%}% [ilist] in terms of [fin]. For the reasons outlined above, it turns out to be easier to work with [ffin] in place of [fin]. *)
Our final solution uses yet another of the inductive definition techniques introduced in Chapter 3, %\index{reflexive inductive type}%reflexive types. Instead of merely using [fin] to get elements out of [ilist], we can _define_ [ilist] in terms of [fin]. For the reasons outlined above, it turns out to be easier to work with [ffin] in place of [fin]. *)
Inductive tree : Set :=
| Leaf : A -> tree
......@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ Fixpoint inc (t : tree nat) : tree nat :=
| Node _ f => Node (fun idx => inc (f idx))
(** Now we are ready to prove the theorem where we got stuck before. We will not need to define any new induction principle, but it %\textit{%#<i>#will#</i>#%}% be helpful to prove some lemmas. *)
(** Now we are ready to prove the theorem where we got stuck before. We will not need to define any new induction principle, but it _will_ be helpful to prove some lemmas. *)
Lemma plus_ge : forall x1 y1 x2 y2,
x1 >= x2
......@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ Lemma cfoldCond_correct : forall t (default : exp' t)
end; crush).
(** It is also useful to know that the result of a call to [cond] is not changed by substituting new tests and bodies functions, so long as the new functions have the same input-output behavior as the old. It turns out that, in Coq, it is not possible to prove in general that functions related in this way are equal. We treat this issue with our discussion of axioms in a later chapter. For now, it suffices to prove that the particular function [cond] is %\textit{%#<i>#extensional#</i>#%}%; that is, it is unaffected by substitution of functions with input-output equivalents. *)
(** It is also useful to know that the result of a call to [cond] is not changed by substituting new tests and bodies functions, so long as the new functions have the same input-output behavior as the old. It turns out that, in Coq, it is not possible to prove in general that functions related in this way are equal. We treat this issue with our discussion of axioms in a later chapter. For now, it suffices to prove that the particular function [cond] is _extensional_; that is, it is unaffected by substitution of functions with input-output equivalents. *)
Lemma cond_ext : forall (A : Set) (default : A) n (tests tests' : ffin n -> bool)
(bodies bodies' : ffin n -> A),
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(* Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Adam Chlipala
(* Copyright (c) 2008-2010, 2012, Adam Chlipala
* This work is licensed under a
* Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
......@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
(** %\chapter{Generic Programming}% *)
(** %\index{generic programming}\textit{%#<i>#Generic programming#</i>#%}% makes it possible to write functions that operate over different types of data. %\index{parametric polymorphism}%Parametric polymorphism in ML and Haskell is one of the simplest examples. ML-style %\index{module systems}%module systems%~\cite{modules}% and Haskell %\index{type classes}%type classes%~\cite{typeclasses}% are more flexible cases. These language features are often not as powerful as we would like. For instance, while Haskell includes a type class classifying those types whose values can be pretty-printed, per-type pretty-printing is usually either implemented manually or implemented via a %\index{deriving clauses}%[deriving] clause%~\cite{deriving}%, which triggers ad-hoc code generation. Some clever encoding tricks have been used to achieve better within Haskell and other languages, but we can do %\index{datatype-generic programming}\emph{%#<i>#datatype-generic programming#</i>#%}% much more cleanly with dependent types. Thanks to the expressive power of CIC, we need no special language support.
(** %\index{generic programming}%_Generic programming_ makes it possible to write functions that operate over different types of data. %\index{parametric polymorphism}%Parametric polymorphism in ML and Haskell is one of the simplest examples. ML-style %\index{module systems}%module systems%~\cite{modules}% and Haskell %\index{type classes}%type classes%~\cite{typeclasses}% are more flexible cases. These language features are often not as powerful as we would like. For instance, while Haskell includes a type class classifying those types whose values can be pretty-printed, per-type pretty-printing is usually either implemented manually or implemented via a %\index{deriving clauses}%[deriving] clause%~\cite{deriving}%, which triggers ad-hoc code generation. Some clever encoding tricks have been used to achieve better within Haskell and other languages, but we can do %\index{datatype-generic programming}%_datatype-generic programming_ much more cleanly with dependent types. Thanks to the expressive power of CIC, we need no special language support.
Generic programming can often be very useful in Coq developments, so we devote this chapter to studying it. In a proof assistant, there is the new possibility of generic proofs about generic programs, which we also devote some space to. *)
(** * Reflecting Datatype Definitions *)
(** The key to generic programming with dependent types is %\index{universe types}\textit{%#<i>#universe types#</i>#%}%. This concept should not be confused with the idea of %\textit{%#<i>#universes#</i>#%}% from the metatheory of CIC and related languages. Rather, the idea of universe types is to define inductive types that provide %\textit{%#<i>#syntactic representations#</i>#%}% of Coq types. We cannot directly write CIC programs that do case analysis on types, but we %\textit{%#<i>#can#</i>#%}% case analyze on reflected syntactic versions of those types.
(** The key to generic programming with dependent types is %\index{universe types}%_universe types_. This concept should not be confused with the idea of _universes_ from the metatheory of CIC and related languages. Rather, the idea of universe types is to define inductive types that provide _syntactic representations_ of Coq types. We cannot directly write CIC programs that do case analysis on types, but we _can_ case analyze on reflected syntactic versions of those types.
Thus, to begin, we must define a syntactic representation of some class of datatypes. In this chapter, our running example will have to do with basic algebraic datatypes, of the kind found in ML and Haskell, but without additional bells and whistles like type parameters and mutually recursive definitions.
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ End tree.
(* begin thide *)
Definition tree_dt (A : Type) : datatype := Con A 0 :: Con unit 2 :: nil.
(** Each datatype representation stands for a family of inductive types. For a specific real datatype and a reputed representation for it, it is useful to define a type of %\textit{%#<i>#evidence#</i>#%}% that the datatype is compatible with the encoding. *)
(** Each datatype representation stands for a family of inductive types. For a specific real datatype and a reputed representation for it, it is useful to define a type of _evidence_ that the datatype is compatible with the encoding. *)
Section denote.
Variable T : Type.
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Definition tree_den (A : Type) : datatypeDenote (tree A) (tree_dt A) :=
(* EX: Define a generic [size] function. *)
(** We built these encodings of datatypes to help us write datatype-generic recursive functions. To do so, we will want a reflected representation of a %\index{recursion schemes}\textit{%#<i>#recursion scheme#</i>#%}% for each type, similar to the [T_rect] principle generated automatically for an inductive definition of [T]. A clever reuse of [datatypeDenote] yields a short definition. *)
(** We built these encodings of datatypes to help us write datatype-generic recursive functions. To do so, we will want a reflected representation of a %\index{recursion schemes}%_recursion scheme_ for each type, similar to the [T_rect] principle generated automatically for an inductive definition of [T]. A clever reuse of [datatypeDenote] yields a short definition. *)
(* begin thide *)
Definition fixDenote (T : Type) (dt : datatype) :=
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......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Restart.
(* end thide *)
(** The two key components of logic programming are %\index{backtracking}\emph{%#<i>#backtracking#</i>#%}% and %\index{unification}\emph{%#<i>#unification#</i>#%}%. To see these techniques in action, consider this further silly example. Here our candidate proof steps will be reflexivity and quantifier instantiation. *)
(** The two key components of logic programming are %\index{backtracking}%_backtracking_ and %\index{unification}%_unification_. To see these techniques in action, consider this further silly example. Here our candidate proof steps will be reflexivity and quantifier instantiation. *)
Example seven_minus_three : exists x, x + 3 = 7.
(* begin thide *)
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Example seven_minus_three : exists x, x + 3 = 7.
Error: Impossible to unify "7" with "0 + 3".
This seems to be a dead end. Let us %\emph{%#<i>#backtrack#</i>#%}% to the point where we ran [apply] and make a better alternate choice.
This seems to be a dead end. Let us _backtrack_ to the point where we ran [apply] and make a better alternate choice.
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Qed.
Example seven_minus_three' : exists x, plusR x 3 7.
(* begin thide *)
(** We could attempt to guess the quantifier instantiation manually as before, but here there is no need. Instead of [apply], we use %\index{tactics!eapply}%[eapply] instead, which proceeds with placeholder %\index{unification variable}\emph{%#<i>#unification variables#</i>#%}% standing in for those parameters we wish to postpone guessing. *)
(** We could attempt to guess the quantifier instantiation manually as before, but here there is no need. Instead of [apply], we use %\index{tactics!eapply}%[eapply] instead, which proceeds with placeholder %\index{unification variable}%_unification variables_ standing in for those parameters we wish to postpone guessing. *)
eapply ex_intro.
(** [[
......@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ Finished transaction in 2. secs (1.92012u,0.044003s)
End slow.
(** Sometimes, though, transitivity is just what is needed to get a proof to go through automatically with [eauto]. For those cases, we can use named %\index{hint databases}\emph{%#<i>#hint databases#</i>#%}% to segragate hints into different groups that may be called on as needed. Here we put [eq_trans] into the database [slow]. *)
(** Sometimes, though, transitivity is just what is needed to get a proof to go through automatically with [eauto]. For those cases, we can use named %\index{hint databases}%_hint databases_ to segragate hints into different groups that may be called on as needed. Here we put [eq_trans] into the database [slow]. *)
(* begin thide *)
Hint Resolve eq_trans : slow.
......@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.004001u,0.s)
(* end thide *)
(** When we %\emph{%#<i>#do#</i>#%}% need transitivity, we ask for it explicitly. *)
(** When we _do_ need transitivity, we ask for it explicitly. *)
Example needs_trans : forall x y, 1 + x = y
-> y = 2
......@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ Existential 1 = ?20249 : [ |- nat]
Existential 2 = ?20252 : [ |- nat]
Coq complains that we finished the proof without determining the values of some unification variables created during proof search. The error message may seem a bit silly, since %\emph{%#<i>#any#</i>#%}% value of type [nat] (for instance, 0) can be plugged in for either variable! However, for more complex types, finding their inhabitants may be as complex as theorem-proving in general.
Coq complains that we finished the proof without determining the values of some unification variables created during proof search. The error message may seem a bit silly, since _any_ value of type [nat] (for instance, 0) can be plugged in for either variable! However, for more complex types, finding their inhabitants may be as complex as theorem-proving in general.
The %\index{Vernacular commands!Show Proof}%[Show Proof] command shows exactly which proof term [eauto] has found, with the undetermined unification variables appearing explicitly where they are used. *)
......@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ Qed.
Print length_and_sum''.
(* end hide *)
(** We could continue through exercises of this kind, but even more interesting than finding lists automatically is finding %\emph{%#<i>#programs#</i>#%}% automatically. *)
(** We could continue through exercises of this kind, but even more interesting than finding lists automatically is finding _programs_ automatically. *)
(** * Synthesizing Programs *)
......@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve plus_0 times_1.
(** We finish with one more arithmetic lemma that is particularly specialized to this theorem. This fact happens to follow by the axioms of the %\emph{%#<i>#ring#</i>#%}% algebraic structure, so, since the naturals form a ring, we can use the built-in tactic %\index{tactics!ring}%[ring]. *)
(** We finish with one more arithmetic lemma that is particularly specialized to this theorem. This fact happens to follow by the axioms of the _ring_ algebraic structure, so, since the naturals form a ring, we can use the built-in tactic %\index{tactics!ring}%[ring]. *)
Require Import Arith Ring.
......@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ Print linear.
(** * More on [auto] Hints *)
(** Let us stop at this point and take stock of the possibilities for [auto] and [eauto] hints. Hints are contained within %\textit{%#<i>#hint databases#</i>#%}%, which we have seen extended in many examples so far. When no hint database is specified, a default database is used. Hints in the default database are always used by [auto] or [eauto]. The chance to extend hint databases imperatively is important, because, in Ltac programming, we cannot create %``%#"#global variables#"#%''% whose values can be extended seamlessly by different modules in different source files. We have seen the advantages of hints so far, where [crush] can be defined once and for all, while still automatically applying the hints we add throughout developments. In fact, [crush] is defined in terms of [auto], which explains how we achieve this extensibility. Other user-defined tactics can take similar advantage of [auto] and [eauto].
(** Let us stop at this point and take stock of the possibilities for [auto] and [eauto] hints. Hints are contained within _hint databases_, which we have seen extended in many examples so far. When no hint database is specified, a default database is used. Hints in the default database are always used by [auto] or [eauto]. The chance to extend hint databases imperatively is important, because, in Ltac programming, we cannot create %``%#"#global variables#"#%''% whose values can be extended seamlessly by different modules in different source files. We have seen the advantages of hints so far, where [crush] can be defined once and for all, while still automatically applying the hints we add throughout developments. In fact, [crush] is defined in terms of [auto], which explains how we achieve this extensibility. Other user-defined tactics can take similar advantage of [auto] and [eauto].
The basic hints for [auto] and [eauto] are %\index{Vernacular commands!Hint Immediate}%[Hint Immediate lemma], asking to try solving a goal immediately by applying a lemma and discharging any hypotheses with a single proof step each; %\index{Vernacular commands!Hint Resolve}%[Resolve lemma], which does the same but may add new premises that are themselves to be subjects of nested proof search; %\index{Vernacular commands!Hint Constructors}%[Constructors type], which acts like [Resolve] applied to every constructor of an inductive type; and %\index{Vernacular commands!Hint Unfold}%[Unfold ident], which tries unfolding [ident] when it appears at the head of a proof goal. Each of these [Hint] commands may be used with a suffix, as in [Hint Resolve lemma : my_db]. This adds the hint only to the specified database, so that it would only be used by, for instance, [auto with my_db]. An additional argument to [auto] specifies the maximum depth of proof trees to search in depth-first order, as in [auto 8] or [auto 8 with my_db]. The default depth is 5.
......@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ End forall_and.
User error: Bound head variable
Coq's [auto] hint databases work as tables mapping %\index{head symbol}\textit{%#<i>#head symbols#</i>#%}% to lists of tactics to try. Because of this, the constant head of an [Extern] pattern must be determinable statically. In our first [Extern] hint, the head symbol was [not], since [x <> y] desugars to [not (eq x y)]; and, in the second example, the head symbol was [P].
Coq's [auto] hint databases work as tables mapping %\index{head symbol}%_head symbols_ to lists of tactics to try. Because of this, the constant head of an [Extern] pattern must be determinable statically. In our first [Extern] hint, the head symbol was [not], since [x <> y] desugars to [not (eq x y)]; and, in the second example, the head symbol was [P].
Fortunately, a more basic form of [Hint Extern] also applies. We may simply leave out the pattern to the left of the [=>], incorporating the corresponding logic into the Ltac script. *)
......@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ Hint Extern 1 =>
| [ H : forall x, ?P x /\ _ |- ?P ?X ] => apply (proj1 (H X))
(** Be forewarned that a [Hint Extern] of this kind will be applied at %\emph{%#<i>#every#</i>#%}% node of a proof tree, so an expensive Ltac script may slow proof search significantly. *)
(** Be forewarned that a [Hint Extern] of this kind will be applied at _every_ node of a proof tree, so an expensive Ltac script may slow proof search significantly. *)
(** * Rewrite Hints *)
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......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
(** %\chapter{Proof by Reflection}% *)
(** The last chapter highlighted a very heuristic approach to proving. In this chapter, we will study an alternative technique, %\index{proof by reflection}\textit{%#<i>#proof by reflection#</i>#%}~\cite{reflection}%. We will write, in Gallina, decision procedures with proofs of correctness, and we will appeal to these procedures in writing very short proofs. Such a proof is checked by running the decision procedure. The term %\textit{%#<i>#reflection#</i>#%}% applies because we will need to translate Gallina propositions into values of inductive types representing syntax, so that Gallina programs may analyze them. *)
(** The last chapter highlighted a very heuristic approach to proving. In this chapter, we will study an alternative technique, %\index{proof by reflection}%_proof by reflection_ %\cite{reflection}%. We will write, in Gallina, decision procedures with proofs of correctness, and we will appeal to these procedures in writing very short proofs. Such a proof is checked by running the decision procedure. The term _reflection_ applies because we will need to translate Gallina propositions into values of inductive types representing syntax, so that Gallina programs may analyze them. *)
(** * Proving Evenness *)
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Definition check_even : forall n : nat, [isEven n].
end); auto.
(** The function [check_even] may be viewed as a %\emph{%#<i>#verified decision procedure#</i>#%}%, because its type guarantees that it never returns [Yes] for inputs that are not even.
(** The function [check_even] may be viewed as a _verified decision procedure_, because its type guarantees that it never returns [Yes] for inputs that are not even.
Now we can use dependent pattern-matching to write a function that performs a surprising feat. When given a [partial P], this function [partialOut] returns a proof of [P] if the [partial] value contains a proof, and it returns a (useless) proof of [True] otherwise. From the standpoint of ML and Haskell programming, it seems impossible to write such a type, but it is trivial with a [return] annotation. *)
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ and_ind (fun _ _ : True => or_introl (True /\ (True -> True)) I) H
As we might expect, the proof that [tauto] builds contains explicit applications of natural deduction rules. For large formulas, this can add a linear amount of proof size overhead, beyond the size of the input.
To write a reflective procedure for this class of goals, we will need to get into the actual %``%#"#reflection#"#%''% part of %``%#"#proof by reflection.#"#%''% It is impossible to case-analyze a [Prop] in any way in Gallina. We must %\index{reification}\textit{%#<i>#reify#</i>#%}% [Prop] into some type that we %\textit{%#<i>#can#</i>#%}% analyze. This inductive type is a good candidate: *)
To write a reflective procedure for this class of goals, we will need to get into the actual %``%#"#reflection#"#%''% part of %``%#"#proof by reflection.#"#%''% It is impossible to case-analyze a [Prop] in any way in Gallina. We must %\index{reification}%_reify_ [Prop] into some type that we _can_ analyze. This inductive type is a good candidate: *)
(* begin thide *)
Inductive taut : Set :=
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Inductive taut : Set :=
| TautOr : taut -> taut -> taut
| TautImp : taut -> taut -> taut.
(** We write a recursive function to %\emph{%#<i>#reflect#</i>#%}% this syntax back to [Prop]. Such functions are also called %\index{interpretation function}\emph{%#<i>#interpretation functions#</i>#%}%, and have used them in previous examples to give semantics to small programming languages. *)
(** We write a recursive function to _reflect_ this syntax back to [Prop]. Such functions are also called %\index{interpretation function}%_interpretation functions_, and have used them in previous examples to give semantics to small programming languages. *)
Fixpoint tautDenote (t : taut) : Prop :=
match t with
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ tautTrue
: True /\ True -> True \/ True /\ (True -> True)
It is worth considering how the reflective tactic improves on a pure-Ltac implementation. The formula reification process is just as ad-hoc as before, so we gain little there. In general, proofs will be more complicated than formula translation, and the %``%#"#generic proof rule#"#%''% that we apply here %\textit{%#<i>#is#</i>#%}% on much better formal footing than a recursive Ltac function. The dependent type of the proof guarantees that it %``%#"#works#"#%''% on any input formula. This is all in addition to the proof-size improvement that we have already seen.
It is worth considering how the reflective tactic improves on a pure-Ltac implementation. The formula reification process is just as ad-hoc as before, so we gain little there. In general, proofs will be more complicated than formula translation, and the %``%#"#generic proof rule#"#%''% that we apply here _is_ on much better formal footing than a recursive Ltac function. The dependent type of the proof guarantees that it %``%#"#works#"#%''% on any input formula. This is all in addition to the proof-size improvement that we have already seen.
It may also be worth pointing out that our previous example of evenness testing used a function [partialOut] for sound handling of input goals that the verified decision procedure fails to prove. Here, we prove that our procedure [tautTrue] (recall that an inductive proof may be viewed as a recursive procedure) is able to prove any goal representable in [taut], so no extra step is necessary. *)
......@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ Ltac refl' e :=
| _ => constr:(Const e)
(** Recall that a regular Ltac pattern variable [?X] only matches terms that %\emph{%#<i>#do not mention new variables introduced within the pattern#</i>#%}%. In our naive implementation, the case for matching function abstractions matches the function body in a way that prevents it from mentioning the function argument! Our code above plays fast and loose with the function body in a way that leads to independent problems, but we could change the code so that it indeed handles function abstractions that ignore their arguments.
(** Recall that a regular Ltac pattern variable [?X] only matches terms that _do not mention new variables introduced within the pattern_. In our naive implementation, the case for matching function abstractions matches the function body in a way that prevents it from mentioning the function argument! Our code above plays fast and loose with the function body in a way that leads to independent problems, but we could change the code so that it indeed handles function abstractions that ignore their arguments.
To handle functions in general, we will use the pattern variable form [@?X], which allows [X] to mention newly introduced variables that are declared explicitly. For instance: *)
......@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ Ltac refl' e :=
| _ => constr:(Const e)
(** Now, in the abstraction case, we bind [E1] as a function from an [x] value to the value of the abstraction body. Unfortunately, our recursive call there is not destined for success. It will match the same abstraction pattern and trigger another recursive call, and so on through infinite recursion. One last refactoring yields a working procedure. The key idea is to consider every input to [refl'] as %\emph{%#<i>#a function over the values of variables introduced during recursion#</i>#%}%. *)
(** Now, in the abstraction case, we bind [E1] as a function from an [x] value to the value of the abstraction body. Unfortunately, our recursive call there is not destined for success. It will match the same abstraction pattern and trigger another recursive call, and so on through infinite recursion. One last refactoring yields a working procedure. The key idea is to consider every input to [refl'] as _a function over the values of variables introduced during recursion_. *)
Reset refl'.
Ltac refl' e :=
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......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
\chapter{Subset Types and Variations}% *)
(** So far, we have seen many examples of what we might call %``%#"#classical program verification.#"#%''% We write programs, write their specifications, and then prove that the programs satisfy their specifications. The programs that we have written in Coq have been normal functional programs that we could just as well have written in Haskell or ML. In this chapter, we start investigating uses of %\index{dependent types}\textit{%#<i>#dependent types#</i>#%}% to integrate programming, specification, and proving into a single phase. The techniques we will learn make it possible to reduce the cost of program verification dramatically. *)
(** So far, we have seen many examples of what we might call %``%#"#classical program verification.#"#%''% We write programs, write their specifications, and then prove that the programs satisfy their specifications. The programs that we have written in Coq have been normal functional programs that we could just as well have written in Haskell or ML. In this chapter, we start investigating uses of %\index{dependent types}%_dependent types_ to integrate programming, specification, and proving into a single phase. The techniques we will learn make it possible to reduce the cost of program verification dramatically. *)
(** * Introducing Subset Types *)
......@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ Definition pred_strong1 (n : nat) : n > 0 -> nat :=
| S n' => fun _ => n'
(** We expand the type of [pred] to include a %\textit{%#<i>#proof#</i>#%}% that its argument [n] is greater than 0. When [n] is 0, we use the proof to derive a contradiction, which we can use to build a value of any type via a vacuous pattern match. When [n] is a successor, we have no need for the proof and just return the answer. The proof argument can be said to have a %\textit{%#<i>#dependent#</i>#%}% type, because its type depends on the %\textit{%#<i>#value#</i>#%}% of the argument [n].
(** We expand the type of [pred] to include a _proof_ that its argument [n] is greater than 0. When [n] is 0, we use the proof to derive a contradiction, which we can use to build a value of any type via a vacuous pattern match. When [n] is a successor, we have no need for the proof and just return the answer. The proof argument can be said to have a _dependent_ type, because its type depends on the _value_ of the argument [n].
Coq's [Eval] command can execute particular invocations of [pred_strong1] just as easily as it can execute more traditional functional programs. Note that Coq has decided that argument [n] of [pred_strong1] can be made %\textit{%#<i>#implicit#</i>#%}%, since it can be deduced from the type of the second argument, so we need not write [n] in function calls. *)
Coq's [Eval] command can execute particular invocations of [pred_strong1] just as easily as it can execute more traditional functional programs. Note that Coq has decided that argument [n] of [pred_strong1] can be made _implicit_, since it can be deduced from the type of the second argument, so we need not write [n] in function calls. *)
Theorem two_gt0 : 2 > 0.
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ The term "pf" has type "n > 0" while it is expected to have type
The term [zgtz pf] fails to type-check. Somehow the type checker has failed to take into account information that follows from which [match] branch that term appears in. The problem is that, by default, [match] does not let us use such implied information. To get refined typing, we must always rely on [match] annotations, either written explicitly or inferred.
In this case, we must use a [return] annotation to declare the relationship between the %\textit{%#<i>#value#</i>#%}% of the [match] discriminee and the %\textit{%#<i>#type#</i>#%}% of the result. There is no annotation that lets us declare a relationship between the discriminee and the type of a variable that is already in scope; hence, we delay the binding of [pf], so that we can use the [return] annotation to express the needed relationship.
In this case, we must use a [return] annotation to declare the relationship between the _value_ of the [match] discriminee and the _type_ of the result. There is no annotation that lets us declare a relationship between the discriminee and the type of a variable that is already in scope; hence, we delay the binding of [pf], so that we can use the [return] annotation to express the needed relationship.
We are lucky that Coq's heuristics infer the [return] clause (specifically, [return n > 0 -> nat]) for us in this case. *)
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Definition pred_strong1' (n : nat) : n > 0 -> nat :=
| S n' => fun _ => n'
(** By making explicit the functional relationship between value [n] and the result type of the [match], we guide Coq toward proper type checking. The clause for this example follows by simple copying of the original annotation on the definition. In general, however, the [match] annotation inference problem is undecidable. The known undecidable problem of %\index{higher-order unification}\textit{%#<i>#higher-order unification#</i>#%}~\cite{HOU}% reduces to the [match] type inference problem. Over time, Coq is enhanced with more and more heuristics to get around this problem, but there must always exist [match]es whose types Coq cannot infer without annotations.
(** By making explicit the functional relationship between value [n] and the result type of the [match], we guide Coq toward proper type checking. The clause for this example follows by simple copying of the original annotation on the definition. In general, however, the [match] annotation inference problem is undecidable. The known undecidable problem of %\index{higher-order unification}%_higher-order unification_ %\cite{HOU}% reduces to the [match] type inference problem. Over time, Coq is enhanced with more and more heuristics to get around this problem, but there must always exist [match]es whose types Coq cannot infer without annotations.
Let us now take a look at the OCaml code Coq generates for [pred_strong1]. *)
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ let pred_strong1 = function
(** The proof argument has disappeared! We get exactly the OCaml code we would have written manually. This is our first demonstration of the main technically interesting feature of Coq program extraction: program components of type [Prop] are erased systematically.
We can reimplement our dependently typed [pred] based on %\index{subset types}\textit{%#<i>#subset types#</i>#%}%, defined in the standard library with the type family %\index{Gallina terms!sig}%[sig]. *)
We can reimplement our dependently typed [pred] based on %\index{subset types}%_subset types_, defined in the standard library with the type family %\index{Gallina terms!sig}%[sig]. *)
Print sig.
(** %\vspace{-.15in}% [[
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ We can see that the first subgoal comes from the second underscore passed to [Fa
(* end thide *)
(** We end the %``%#"#proof#"#%''% with %\index{Vernacular commands!Defined}%[Defined] instead of [Qed], so that the definition we constructed remains visible. This contrasts to the case of ending a proof with [Qed], where the details of the proof are hidden afterward. (More formally, [Defined] marks an identifier as %\index{transparent}\emph{%#<i>#transparent#</i>#%}%, allowing it to be unfolded; while [Qed] marks an identifier as %\index{opaque}\emph{%#<i>#opaque#</i>#%}%, preventing unfolding.) Let us see what our proof script constructed. *)
(** We end the %``%#"#proof#"#%''% with %\index{Vernacular commands!Defined}%[Defined] instead of [Qed], so that the definition we constructed remains visible. This contrasts to the case of ending a proof with [Qed], where the details of the proof are hidden afterward. (More formally, [Defined] marks an identifier as %\index{transparent}%_transparent_, allowing it to be unfolded; while [Qed] marks an identifier as %\index{opaque}%_opaque_, preventing unfolding.) Let us see what our proof script constructed. *)
Print pred_strong4.
(** %\vspace{-.15in}% [[
......@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ Notation "x <- e1 ; e2" := (match e1 with
(right associativity, at level 60).
(** The meaning of [x <- e1; e2] is: First run [e1]. If it fails to find an answer, then announce failure for our derived computation, too. If [e1] %\textit{%#<i>#does#</i>#%}% find an answer, pass that answer on to [e2] to find the final result. The variable [x] can be considered bound in [e2].
(** The meaning of [x <- e1; e2] is: First run [e1]. If it fails to find an answer, then announce failure for our derived computation, too. If [e1] _does_ find an answer, pass that answer on to [e2] to find the final result. The variable [x] can be considered bound in [e2].
This notation is very helpful for composing richly typed procedures. For instance, here is a very simple implementation of a function to take the predecessors of two naturals at once. *)
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