Previousversionsofthebookincludedsomesuggestedexercisesattheendsofchapters.Sincethen,Ihavedecidedtoremovetheexercisesandfocusonthemainbookexposition.Adatabaseofexercisesproposedbyvariousreadersofthebookis#<ahref="">#availableontheWeb#</a>#%\footnote{\url{}}%. I do want to suggest, though, that the best way to learn Coq is to get started applying it in a real project, rather than focusing on artificial exercises. *)
<title>Certified Programming with Dependent Types Exercises</title>
<h1><ahref="..">Certified Programming with Dependent Types</a> Exercises</h1>
<p>Here lies an attempt to crowdsource the production of exercises for CPDT.</p>
<h2>Suggested Exercises</h2>
<li><ahref="exercises.pdf">Snapshot of exercises that were included in CPDT when I decided to stop maintaining exercises</a> (<ahref="">Adam Chlipala</a>)</li>
<li><ahref="">Homeworks from CIS 670 at Penn in Fall 2012</a> (<ahref="">Benjamin Pierce</a> and students in the class)</li>