(* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Adam Chlipala * * This work is licensed under a * Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 * Unported License. * The license text is available at: * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ *) (* begin hide *) Require Import String List. Require Import Axioms Tactics DepList. Set Implicit Arguments. (* end hide *) (** %\chapter{Extensional Transformations}% *) (** TODO: Prose for this chapter *) (** * Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus *) Module STLC. Module Source. Inductive type : Type := | TNat : type | Arrow : type -> type -> type. Notation "'Nat'" := TNat : source_scope. Infix "-->" := Arrow (right associativity, at level 60) : source_scope. Open Scope source_scope. Bind Scope source_scope with type. Delimit Scope source_scope with source. Section vars. Variable var : type -> Type. Inductive exp : type -> Type := | Var : forall t, var t -> exp t | Const : nat -> exp Nat | Plus : exp Nat -> exp Nat -> exp Nat | App : forall t1 t2, exp (t1 --> t2) -> exp t1 -> exp t2 | Abs : forall t1 t2, (var t1 -> exp t2) -> exp (t1 --> t2). End vars. Definition Exp t := forall var, exp var t. Implicit Arguments Var [var t]. Implicit Arguments Const [var]. Implicit Arguments Plus [var]. Implicit Arguments App [var t1 t2]. Implicit Arguments Abs [var t1 t2]. Notation "# v" := (Var v) (at level 70) : source_scope. Notation "^ n" := (Const n) (at level 70) : source_scope. Infix "+^" := Plus (left associativity, at level 79) : source_scope. Infix "@" := App (left associativity, at level 77) : source_scope. Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : source_scope. Notation "\ ! , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 78) : source_scope. Bind Scope source_scope with exp. Definition zero : Exp Nat := fun _ => ^0. Definition one : Exp Nat := fun _ => ^1. Definition zpo : Exp Nat := fun _ => zero _ +^ one _. Definition ident : Exp (Nat --> Nat) := fun _ => \x, #x. Definition app_ident : Exp Nat := fun _ => ident _ @ zpo _. Definition app : Exp ((Nat --> Nat) --> Nat --> Nat) := fun _ => \f, \x, #f @ #x. Definition app_ident' : Exp Nat := fun _ => app _ @ ident _ @ zpo _. Fixpoint typeDenote (t : type) : Set := match t with | Nat => nat | t1 --> t2 => typeDenote t1 -> typeDenote t2 end. Fixpoint expDenote t (e : exp typeDenote t) : typeDenote t := match e with | Var _ v => v | Const n => n | Plus e1 e2 => expDenote e1 + expDenote e2 | App _ _ e1 e2 => (expDenote e1) (expDenote e2) | Abs _ _ e' => fun x => expDenote (e' x) end. Definition ExpDenote t (e : Exp t) := expDenote (e _). (* begin thide *) Section exp_equiv. Variables var1 var2 : type -> Type. Inductive exp_equiv : list { t : type & var1 t * var2 t }%type -> forall t, exp var1 t -> exp var2 t -> Prop := | EqVar : forall G t (v1 : var1 t) v2, In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> exp_equiv G (#v1) (#v2) | EqConst : forall G n, exp_equiv G (^n) (^n) | EqPlus : forall G x1 y1 x2 y2, exp_equiv G x1 x2 -> exp_equiv G y1 y2 -> exp_equiv G (x1 +^ y1) (x2 +^ y2) | EqApp : forall G t1 t2 (f1 : exp _ (t1 --> t2)) (x1 : exp _ t1) f2 x2, exp_equiv G f1 f2 -> exp_equiv G x1 x2 -> exp_equiv G (f1 @ x1) (f2 @ x2) | EqAbs : forall G t1 t2 (f1 : var1 t1 -> exp var1 t2) f2, (forall v1 v2, exp_equiv (existT _ t1 (v1, v2) :: G) (f1 v1) (f2 v2)) -> exp_equiv G (Abs f1) (Abs f2). End exp_equiv. Axiom Exp_equiv : forall t (E : Exp t) var1 var2, exp_equiv nil (E var1) (E var2). (* end thide *) End Source. Module CPS. Inductive type : Type := | TNat : type | Cont : type -> type | TUnit : type | Prod : type -> type -> type. Notation "'Nat'" := TNat : cps_scope. Notation "'Unit'" := TUnit : cps_scope. Notation "t --->" := (Cont t) (at level 61) : cps_scope. Infix "**" := Prod (right associativity, at level 60) : cps_scope. Bind Scope cps_scope with type. Delimit Scope cps_scope with cps. Section vars. Variable var : type -> Type. Inductive prog : Type := | PHalt : var Nat -> prog | App : forall t, var (t --->) -> var t -> prog | Bind : forall t, primop t -> (var t -> prog) -> prog with primop : type -> Type := | Var : forall t, var t -> primop t | Const : nat -> primop Nat | Plus : var Nat -> var Nat -> primop Nat | Abs : forall t, (var t -> prog) -> primop (t --->) | Pair : forall t1 t2, var t1 -> var t2 -> primop (t1 ** t2) | Fst : forall t1 t2, var (t1 ** t2) -> primop t1 | Snd : forall t1 t2, var (t1 ** t2) -> primop t2. End vars. Implicit Arguments PHalt [var]. Implicit Arguments App [var t]. Implicit Arguments Var [var t]. Implicit Arguments Const [var]. Implicit Arguments Plus [var]. Implicit Arguments Abs [var t]. Implicit Arguments Pair [var t1 t2]. Implicit Arguments Fst [var t1 t2]. Implicit Arguments Snd [var t1 t2]. Notation "'Halt' x" := (PHalt x) (no associativity, at level 75) : cps_scope. Infix "@@" := App (no associativity, at level 75) : cps_scope. Notation "x <- p ; e" := (Bind p (fun x => e)) (right associativity, at level 76, p at next level) : cps_scope. Notation "! <- p ; e" := (Bind p (fun _ => e)) (right associativity, at level 76, p at next level) : cps_scope. Notation "# v" := (Var v) (at level 70) : cps_scope. Notation "^ n" := (Const n) (at level 70) : cps_scope. Infix "+^" := Plus (left associativity, at level 79) : cps_scope. Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : cps_scope. Notation "\ ! , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 78) : cps_scope. Notation "[ x1 , x2 ]" := (Pair x1 x2) : cps_scope. Notation "#1 x" := (Fst x) (at level 72) : cps_scope. Notation "#2 x" := (Snd x) (at level 72) : cps_scope. Bind Scope cps_scope with prog primop. Open Scope cps_scope. Fixpoint typeDenote (t : type) : Set := match t with | Nat => nat | t' ---> => typeDenote t' -> nat | Unit => unit | t1 ** t2 => (typeDenote t1 * typeDenote t2)%type end. Fixpoint progDenote (e : prog typeDenote) : nat := match e with | PHalt n => n | App _ f x => f x | Bind _ p x => progDenote (x (primopDenote p)) end with primopDenote t (p : primop typeDenote t) : typeDenote t := match p with | Var _ v => v | Const n => n | Plus n1 n2 => n1 + n2 | Abs _ e => fun x => progDenote (e x) | Pair _ _ v1 v2 => (v1, v2) | Fst _ _ v => fst v | Snd _ _ v => snd v end. Definition Prog := forall var, prog var. Definition Primop t := forall var, primop var t. Definition ProgDenote (E : Prog) := progDenote (E _). Definition PrimopDenote t (P : Primop t) := primopDenote (P _). End CPS. Import Source CPS. (* begin thide *) Fixpoint cpsType (t : Source.type) : CPS.type := match t with | Nat => Nat%cps | t1 --> t2 => (cpsType t1 ** (cpsType t2 --->) --->)%cps end%source. Reserved Notation "x <-- e1 ; e2" (right associativity, at level 76, e1 at next level). Section cpsExp. Variable var : CPS.type -> Type. Import Source. Open Scope cps_scope. Fixpoint cpsExp t (e : exp (fun t => var (cpsType t)) t) : (var (cpsType t) -> prog var) -> prog var := match e with | Var _ v => fun k => k v | Const n => fun k => x <- ^n; k x | Plus e1 e2 => fun k => x1 <-- e1; x2 <-- e2; x <- x1 +^ x2; k x | App _ _ e1 e2 => fun k => f <-- e1; x <-- e2; kf <- \r, k r; p <- [x, kf]; f @@ p | Abs _ _ e' => fun k => f <- CPS.Abs (var := var) (fun p => x <- #1 p; kf <- #2 p; r <-- e' x; kf @@ r); k f end where "x <-- e1 ; e2" := (cpsExp e1 (fun x => e2)). End cpsExp. Notation "x <-- e1 ; e2" := (cpsExp e1 (fun x => e2)) : cps_scope. Notation "! <-- e1 ; e2" := (cpsExp e1 (fun _ => e2)) (right associativity, at level 76, e1 at next level) : cps_scope. Implicit Arguments cpsExp [var t]. Definition CpsExp (E : Exp Nat) : Prog := fun var => cpsExp (E _) (PHalt (var := _)). (* end thide *) Eval compute in CpsExp zero. Eval compute in CpsExp one. Eval compute in CpsExp zpo. Eval compute in CpsExp app_ident. Eval compute in CpsExp app_ident'. Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp zero). Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp one). Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp zpo). Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp app_ident). Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp app_ident'). (* begin thide *) Fixpoint lr (t : Source.type) : Source.typeDenote t -> CPS.typeDenote (cpsType t) -> Prop := match t with | Nat => fun n1 n2 => n1 = n2 | t1 --> t2 => fun f1 f2 => forall x1 x2, lr _ x1 x2 -> forall k, exists r, f2 (x2, k) = k r /\ lr _ (f1 x1) r end%source. Lemma cpsExp_correct : forall G t (e1 : exp _ t) (e2 : exp _ t), exp_equiv G e1 e2 -> (forall t v1 v2, In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> lr t v1 v2) -> forall k, exists r, progDenote (cpsExp e2 k) = progDenote (k r) /\ lr t (expDenote e1) r. induction 1; crush; fold typeDenote in *; repeat (match goal with | [ H : forall k, exists r, progDenote (cpsExp ?E k) = _ /\ _ |- context[cpsExp ?E ?K] ] => generalize (H K); clear H | [ |- exists r, progDenote (_ ?R) = progDenote (_ r) /\ _ ] => exists R | [ t1 : Source.type |- _ ] => match goal with | [ Hlr : lr t1 ?X1 ?X2, IH : forall v1 v2, _ |- _ ] => generalize (IH X1 X2); clear IH; intro IH; match type of IH with | ?P -> _ => assert P end end end; crush); eauto. Qed. Lemma vars_easy : forall (t : Source.type) (v1 : Source.typeDenote t) (v2 : typeDenote (cpsType t)), In (existT (fun t0 : Source.type => (Source.typeDenote t0 * typeDenote (cpsType t0))%type) t (v1, v2)) nil -> lr t v1 v2. crush. Qed. Theorem CpsExp_correct : forall (E : Exp Nat), ProgDenote (CpsExp E) = ExpDenote E. unfold ProgDenote, CpsExp, ExpDenote; intros; generalize (cpsExp_correct (e1 := E _) (e2 := E _) (Exp_equiv _ _ _) vars_easy (PHalt (var := _))); crush. Qed. (* end thide *) End STLC. (** * Exercises *) (** %\begin{enumerate}%#<ol># %\item%#<li># When in the last chapter we implemented constant folding for simply-typed lambda calculus, it may have seemed natural to try applying beta reductions. This would have been a lot more trouble than is apparent at first, because we would have needed to convince Coq that our normalizing function always terminated. It might also seem that beta reduction is a lost cause because we have no effective way of substituting in the [exp] type; we only managed to write a substitution function for the parametric [Exp] type. This is not as big of a problem as it seems. For instance, for the language we built by extending simply-typed lambda calculus with products and sums, it also appears that we need substitution for simplifying [case] expressions whose discriminees are known to be [inl] or [inr], but the function is still implementable. For this exercise, extend the products and sums constant folder from the last chapter so that it simplifies [case] expressions as well, by checking if the discriminee is a known [inl] or known [inr]. Also extend the correctness theorem to apply to your new definition. You will probably want to assert an axiom relating to an expression equivalence relation like the one defined in this chapter. Any such axiom should only mention syntax; it should not mention any compilation or denotation functions. Following the format of the axiom from the last chapter is the safest bet to avoid proving a worthless theorem. #</li># #</ol>#%\end{enumerate}% *)