Commit 36650a70 authored by Aggelos Giantsios's avatar Aggelos Giantsios

Add OrbitUtils to avoid circular dependencies

parent c26dfb63
-- orbit-int master (controlling orbit computation)
module Master (now) where
module Master () where
-- current wall clock time (in milliseconds since start of RTS)
-- FIXME get current wall clock time
now :: Int
now = 42
-- orbit-int orbitutils
module OrbitUtils (now) where
-- current wall clock time (in milliseconds since start of RTS)
-- FIXME get current wall clock time
now :: Int
now = 42
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Sequential(orbit) where
import Table (Freq, VTable, Vertex, get_freq, freq_to_stat, is_member, insert, new, to_list)
import Data.Hashable (hash)
import Data.Dequeue (BankersDequeue, fromList, popFront, pushBack)
import Master (now)
import OrbitUtils (now)
type Conf = ([Vertex -> Vertex], Int)
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