Commit 48f31143 authored by Yiannis Tsiouris's avatar Yiannis Tsiouris

Make all stat numbers/lists strings

parent 540e897d
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ module Table( new
, max_freq
, avg_freq
, avg_nonempty_freq
--, freq_to_stat
--, freq_from_stat
, freq_to_stat
, freq_from_stat
, fill_deg) where
import Data.Array (Array, elems, listArray, (!), (//))
......@@ -95,28 +95,28 @@ sum_freqs2 (n : f) (m : sumF) = n + m : sum_freqs2 f sumF
sum_freqs :: [Freq] -> Freq
sum_freqs fs = foldl (flip sum_freqs2) [] fs
{- XXX: Fix below functions to type-check!
-- freq_to_stat produces a readable statistics from a table fill frequency;
-- the input frequency F is itself part of the statistics
freq_to_stat :: Freq -> [(String, a)]
freq_to_stat frequency = [ --("freq", frequency)
("size", freq_to_vertices frequency)
, ("slots", freq_to_slots frequency)
, ("nonempty_slots", freq_to_nonempty_slots frequency)
, ("fill_deg", fill_deg frequency)
, ("max_freq", max_freq frequency)
, ("avg_freq", avg_freq frequency)
, ("nonempty_avg_freq", avg_nonempty_freq frequency)
freq_to_stat :: Freq -> [(String, String)]
freq_to_stat frequency = [ ("freq", show frequency)
, ("size", show $ freq_to_vertices frequency)
, ("slots", show $ freq_to_slots frequency)
, ("nonempty_slots",
show $ freq_to_nonempty_slots frequency)
, ("fill_deg", show $ fill_deg frequency)
, ("max_freq", show $ max_freq frequency)
, ("avg_freq", show $ avg_freq frequency)
, ("nonempty_avg_freq",
show $ avg_nonempty_freq frequency)
-- freq_from_stat extracts a table fill frequency from a statistics Stat
-- (assuming Stat was produced by freq_to_stat/1, otherwise returns []);
freq_from_stat :: [(String, a)] -> Freq
freq_from_stat :: [(String, String)] -> Freq
freq_from_stat stat =
case "freq" `lookup` stat of
Just val -> val
Just val -> read val :: [Int]
Nothing -> []
-- auxiliary functions
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