Commit 6e2b9101 authored by Aggelos Giantsios's avatar Aggelos Giantsios

Call the Process Monad once in collect_orbit

parent 3f177aa3
......@@ -128,11 +128,10 @@ collect_credit crdt =
-- collect_orbit collects partial orbits and stats from N workers.
collect_orbit :: Int -> Int -> (Process [Vertex], Process [Stats])
collect_orbit elapsedTime n = (orbit, stats)
where x = do_collect_orbit n [] []
orbit = x >>= (\(partOrBits, _) -> return $ concat partOrBits)
stats = x >>= (\(_, workerStats) -> return $ (master_stats elapsedTime workerStats) : workerStats)
collect_orbit :: Int -> Int -> Process ([Vertex], [Stats])
collect_orbit elapsedTime n = do
(orbit, stats) <- do_collect_orbit n [] []
return (concat orbit, master_stats elapsedTime stats : stats)
do_collect_orbit :: Int -> [[Vertex]] -> [Stats] -> Process ([[Vertex]], [Stats])
do_collect_orbit 0 partOrbits workerStats = return (partOrbits, workerStats)
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