Commit bf5f7959 authored by Yiannis Tsiouris's avatar Yiannis Tsiouris

Minor polishing

parent 99da29a1
......@@ -76,22 +76,22 @@ avg_freq f = (fi $ freq_to_vertices f) / (fi $ freq_to_slots f)
-- avg_nonempty_freq returns the average fill frequency of non empty slots.
avg_nonempty_freq :: Freq -> Float
avg_nonempty_freq f =
case freq_to_vertices f of
verts | verts > 0 -> (fi verts) / (fi $ freq_to_nonempty_slots f)
otherwise -> 0.0
if verts > 0 then (fi verts) / (fi $ freq_to_nonempty_slots f)
else 0.0
where verts = freq_to_vertices f
-- fill_deg determines the filling degree of the table.
fill_deg :: Freq -> Float
fill_deg f = (fi $ freq_to_nonempty_slots f) / (fi $ freq_to_slots f)
-- sum_freqs/2 sums two fill frequencies.
sum_freqs2 :: Freq -> Freq -> [Int]
sum_freqs2 :: Freq -> Freq -> Freq
sum_freqs2 [] sumF = sumF
sum_freqs2 f [] = f
sum_freqs2 (n : f) (m : sumF) = n + m : sum_freqs2 f sumF
-- sum_freqs/1 sums a list of fill frequencies.
sum_freqs :: [Freq] -> [Int]
sum_freqs :: [Freq] -> Freq
sum_freqs fs = foldl (flip sum_freqs2) [] fs
{- XXX: Fix below functions to type-check!
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