Commit c598399b authored by Aggelos Giantsios's avatar Aggelos Giantsios

Add type alias for the generators

parent 97b708ab
-- orbit-int sequential implementation
module Sequential(orbit) where
module Sequential(Generator
, orbit) where
import Table (Freq, Stats, VTable, Vertex, get_freq, freq_to_stat, is_member, insert, new, to_list)
import Data.Hashable (hash)
import Data.Dequeue (BankersDequeue, fromList, popFront, pushBack)
import OrbitUtils (now)
type Conf = ([Vertex -> Vertex], Int)
type Generator = Vertex -> Vertex
type Conf = ([Generator], Int)
-- Static Machine Configuration:
......@@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ type Conf = ([Vertex -> Vertex], Int)
-- where the hash table is of size TableSize.
-- The function returns a pair consisting of the computed orbit and a singleton
-- list of statistics (mainly runtime and fill degree of the table).
orbit :: [Vertex -> Vertex] -> [Vertex] -> Int -> ([Vertex], [Stats])
orbit :: [Generator] -> [Vertex] -> Int -> ([Vertex], [Stats])
orbit gs xs tableSize = (orbit, [stat])
-- assemble static configuration
where staticMachConf = mk_static_mach_conf gs tableSize
......@@ -81,10 +83,10 @@ hash_vertex staticMachConf x =
-- auxiliary functions
-- functions operating on the StaticMachConf
mk_static_mach_conf :: [Vertex -> Vertex] -> Int -> Conf
mk_static_mach_conf :: [Generator] -> Int -> Conf
mk_static_mach_conf gs tableSize = (gs, tableSize)
get_gens :: Conf -> [Vertex -> Vertex]
get_gens :: Conf -> [Generator]
get_gens staticMachConf = fst staticMachConf
get_table_size :: Conf -> Int
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