- 23 May, 2019 1 commit
Giorgos Kazelidis authored
- Wrapped the edit_user_profile(), recover_user_profile() and import_user_credentials() views in the atomic() decorator to run database modification queries within an atomic transaction - Utilized SELECT FOR UPDATE queries in the edit_user_profile() and recover_user_profile() views to lock database rows (model instances) intended for update during an atomic transaction - Added the "PROJECT OVERVIEW" and "LIST OF SUGGESTED TO-DO ACTIONS" parts to README.md - Added documentation links to the "ENVIRONMENT SPECIFICATIONS" part of README.md - Changed the names of the Django root and project directories from myprj to slub - Changed the name of helper.py module to helpers.py
- 04 Mar, 2019 1 commit
Giorgos Kazelidis authored
- Loaded the time zone tables in mysql database - Added Unicode/UTF-8 data support in usermergeDB and templates - Replaced CLASS_SESSION_KEY with PLATFORM_SESSION_KEY in the session data as the latter indicates both user model and platform - Corrected the session auth hash calculation method of both user models to take password (and platform, in case of User model) into account - Enhanced template structure and functionality by using XHTML5 syntax, new HTML5 semantic elements, html5shiv.js, normalize.css, field labels, appropriate images/icons, etc. and moving internal CSS to base.css - Made some minor changes in models (changed max_length of first_name and last_name fields) and database connection options (introduced SET_DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE_TO_INNODB variable and changed SQL mode)
- 28 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Giorgos Kazelidis authored
- Created the DB schema/models and added Greek support to the initiated DB - Created a script to populate DB with test data - Implemented the authentication, login and logout back-ends (modified built-in auth, backends and middleware modules) as well as the relative front-ends (user home, admin home and logout templates) - Implemented some basic validation checks and error handling for the login form - Created custom HTTP error (400, 403, 404, 500) templates - Added new instructions to README.md