Commit 20dc1def authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Impredicative Impure example

parent 6c218a7b
......@@ -39,6 +39,76 @@ Infix "@" := App (left associativity, at level 72).
Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 73).
Notation "\ ? , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 73).
Definition Term := forall var, term var.
Definition ident : Term := fun _ => \x, #x.
Definition unite : Term := fun _ => ().
Definition ident_self : Term := fun _ => ident _ @ ident _.
Definition ident_unit : Term := fun _ => ident _ @ unite _.
Module impredicative.
Inductive dynamic : Set :=
| Dyn : forall (dynTy : Type), dynTy -> dynamic.
Inductive computation (T : Type) : Set :=
| Return : T -> computation T
| Bind : forall (T' : Type),
computation T' -> (T' -> computation T) -> computation T
| Unpack : dynamic -> computation T.
Inductive eval : forall T, computation T -> T -> Prop :=
| EvalReturn : forall T (v : T),
eval (Return v) v
| EvalUnpack : forall T (v : T),
eval (Unpack T (Dyn v)) v
| EvalBind : forall T1 T2 (c1 : computation T1) (c2 : T1 -> computation T2) v1 v2,
eval c1 v1
-> eval (c2 v1) v2
-> eval (Bind c1 c2) v2.
Fixpoint termDenote (e : term dynamic) : computation dynamic :=
match e with
| Var v => Return v
| App e1 e2 => Bind (termDenote e1) (fun f =>
Bind (termDenote e2) (fun x =>
Bind (Unpack (dynamic -> computation dynamic) f) (fun f' =>
f' x)))
| Abs e' => Return (Dyn (fun x => termDenote (e' x)))
| Unit => Return (Dyn tt)
Definition TermDenote (E : Term) := termDenote (E _).
Eval compute in TermDenote ident.
Eval compute in TermDenote unite.
Eval compute in TermDenote ident_self.
Eval compute in TermDenote ident_unit.
Theorem eval_ident_unit : eval (TermDenote ident_unit) (Dyn tt).
repeat econstructor.
Theorem invert_ident : forall (E : Term) d,
eval (TermDenote (fun _ => ident _ @ E _)) d
-> eval (TermDenote E) d.
inversion 1.
Focus 3.
unfold TermDenote in H0.
simpl in H0.
(** [injection H0.] *)
End impredicative.
Module predicative.
......@@ -88,19 +158,11 @@ Module predicative.
| Unit => Return VUnit
Definition Term := forall var, term var.
Definition TermDenote (E : Term) := termDenote (E _).
Definition ident : Term := fun _ => \x, #x.
Eval compute in TermDenote ident.
Definition unite : Term := fun _ => ().
Eval compute in TermDenote unite.
Definition ident_self : Term := fun _ => ident _ @ ident _.
Eval compute in TermDenote ident_self.
Definition ident_unit : Term := fun _ => ident _ @ unite _.
Eval compute in TermDenote ident_unit.
Theorem eval_ident_unit : exists ds, eval nil (TermDenote ident_unit) ds VUnit.
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