Commit 355b7174 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Port Hoas

parent e80dd529
(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala
(* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Adam Chlipala
* This work is licensed under a
* Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala
(* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Adam Chlipala
* This work is licensed under a
* Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Definition app_ident' := App (App app ident) one_again.
(* EX: Define a function to count the number of variable occurrences in an [Exp]. *)
(* begin thide *)
Fixpoint countVars t (e : exp (fun _ => unit) t) {struct e} : nat :=
Fixpoint countVars t (e : exp (fun _ => unit) t) : nat :=
match e with
| Const' _ => 0
| Plus' e1 e2 => countVars e1 + countVars e2
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Eval compute in CountVars app_ident'.
(* EX: Define a function to count the number of occurrences of a single distinguished variable. *)
(* begin thide *)
Fixpoint countOne t (e : exp (fun _ => bool) t) {struct e} : nat :=
Fixpoint countOne t (e : exp (fun _ => bool) t) : nat :=
match e with
| Const' _ => 0
| Plus' e1 e2 => countOne e1 + countOne e2
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Section ToString.
| S n' => "S(" ++ natToString n' ++ ")"
Fixpoint toString t (e : exp (fun _ => string) t) (cur : string) {struct e} : string * string :=
Fixpoint toString t (e : exp (fun _ => string) t) (cur : string) : string * string :=
match e with
| Const' n => (cur, natToString n)
| Plus' e1 e2 =>
......@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ Eval compute in ToString app_ident'.
Section flatten.
Variable var : type -> Type.
Fixpoint flatten t (e : exp (exp var) t) {struct e} : exp var t :=
match e in exp _ t return exp _ t with
Fixpoint flatten t (e : exp (exp var) t) : exp var t :=
match e with
| Const' n => Const' n
| Plus' e1 e2 => Plus' (flatten e1) (flatten e2)
| Var _ e' => e'
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Inductive isCtx : forall t1 t2, Ctx t1 t2 -> Prop :=
| IsPlus2 : forall E1, Val E1 -> isCtx (PlusCong2 E1).
Definition plug t1 t2 (C : Ctx t1 t2) : Exp t1 -> Exp t2 :=
match C in Ctx t1 t2 return Exp t1 -> Exp t2 with
match C with
| AppCong1 _ _ X => fun F => App F X
| AppCong2 _ _ F => fun X => App F X
| PlusCong1 E2 => fun E1 => Plus E1 E2
......@@ -390,8 +390,10 @@ Ltac equate_conj F G :=
| (_ ?x1, _ ?x2) => constr:(x1 = x2)
| (_ ?x1 ?y1, _ ?x2 ?y2) => constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2)
| (_ ?x1 ?y1 ?z1, _ ?x2 ?y2 ?z2) => constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2 /\ z1 = z2)
| (_ ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 ?u1, _ ?x2 ?y2 ?z2 ?u2) => constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2 /\ z1 = z2 /\ u1 = u2)
| (_ ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 ?u1 ?v1, _ ?x2 ?y2 ?z2 ?u2 ?v2) => constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2 /\ z1 = z2 /\ u1 = u2 /\ v1 = v2)
| (_ ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 ?u1, _ ?x2 ?y2 ?z2 ?u2) =>
constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2 /\ z1 = z2 /\ u1 = u2)
| (_ ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 ?u1 ?v1, _ ?x2 ?y2 ?z2 ?u2 ?v2) =>
constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2 /\ z1 = z2 /\ u1 = u2 /\ v1 = v2)
Ltac my_crush :=
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