Commit 41a5f83b authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

About to remove Cfold stuff

parent 234d920e
......@@ -442,6 +442,76 @@ Ltac ssimp := unfold Subst, Cfold in *; simpl in *; autorewrite with fold in *;
autorewrite with fold in *.
Lemma cfold_thorough : forall var t (e : exp var t),
cfold (cfold e) = cfold e.
induction e; crush; try (f_equal; ext_eq; eauto);
match goal with
| [ e1 : exp _ Nat, e2 : exp _ Nat |- _ ] =>
dep_destruct (cfold e1); crush;
dep_destruct (cfold e2); crush
Lemma Cfold_thorough : forall t (E : Exp t),
Cfold (Cfold E) = Cfold E.
intros; unfold Cfold, Exp; ext_eq;
apply cfold_thorough.
Hint Resolve Cfold_thorough.
Section eq_arg.
Variable A : Type.
Variable B : A -> Type.
Variable x : A.
Variables f g : forall x, B x.
Hypothesis Heq : f = g.
Theorem eq_arg : f x = g x.
End eq_arg.
Implicit Arguments eq_arg [A B f g].
Lemma Cfold_Subst_thorough : forall t1 (V : Exp t1) t2 (B : Exp1 t1 t2),
Subst (Cfold V) (Cfold1 B) = Cfold (Subst (Cfold V) (Cfold1 B)).
Lemma Cfold_Step_thorough' : forall t (E V : Exp t),
E ===> V
-> forall E', E = Cfold E'
-> Cfold V = V.
induction 1; crush.
apply IHBigStep3 with (Subst V2 B).
generalize (closed E'); inversion 1; my_crush.
generalize (eq_arg (fun _ => Set) H2); ssimp.
dep_destruct (cfold (E0 (fun _ => Set))); try discriminate;
dep_destruct (cfold (E3 (fun _ => Set))); discriminate.
ssimp; my_crush.
rewrite <- (IHBigStep2 _ (refl_equal _)).
generalize (IHBigStep1 _ (refl_equal _)).
assert (B = Cfold1 B).
generalize H2; clear_all; my_crush.
unfold Exp1; ext_eq.
generalize (eq_arg x H2); injection 1; my_crush.
rewrite H8.
Lemma Cfold_thorough : forall t (E V : Exp t),
Cfold E ===> V
-> V = Cfold V.
Lemma Cfold_Subst' : forall t (E V : Exp t),
E ===> V
-> forall t' B (V' : Exp t') V'', E = Cfold (Subst V' B)
......@@ -466,6 +536,7 @@ Lemma Cfold_Subst' : forall t (E V : Exp t),
replace F with (fun var => cfold (Abs' (fun x : var _ => B var x)))
apply IHBigStep1; auto.
apply cheat.
......@@ -497,7 +568,7 @@ Hint Resolve Cfold_Subst.
Theorem Cfold_correct : forall t (E V : Exp t),
E ===> V
-> Cfold E ===> Cfold V.
induction 1; unfold Cfold in *; crush; ssimp; eauto.
induction 1; crush; ssimp; eauto.
change ((fun H1 : type -> Type =>
match Cfold E1 H1 with
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