Commit 505dd7a8 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Monoid code

parent 803280ff
......@@ -231,6 +231,87 @@ tautTrue
It is worth considering how the reflective tactic improves on a pure-Ltac implementation. The formula reflection process is just as ad-hoc as before, so we gain little there. In general, proofs will be more complicated than formula translation, and the "generic proof rule" that we apply here %\textit{%#<i>#is#</i>#%}% on much better formal footing than a recursive Ltac function. The dependent type of the proof guarantees that it "works" on any input formula. This is all in addition to the proof-size improvement that we have already seen. *)
(** * A Monoid Expression Simplifier *)
Section monoid.
Variable A : Set.
Variable e : A.
Variable f : A -> A -> A.
Infix "+" := f.
Hypothesis assoc : forall a b c, (a + b) + c = a + (b + c).
Hypothesis identl : forall a, e + a = a.
Hypothesis identr : forall a, a + e = a.
Inductive mexp : Set :=
| Ident : mexp
| Var : A -> mexp
| Op : mexp -> mexp -> mexp.
Fixpoint mdenote (me : mexp) : A :=
match me with
| Ident => e
| Var v => v
| Op me1 me2 => mdenote me1 + mdenote me2
Fixpoint mldenote (ls : list A) : A :=
match ls with
| nil => e
| x :: ls' => x + mldenote ls'
Fixpoint flatten (me : mexp) : list A :=
match me with
| Ident => nil
| Var x => x :: nil
| Op me1 me2 => flatten me1 ++ flatten me2
Lemma flatten_correct' : forall ml2 ml1, f (mldenote ml1) (mldenote ml2) = mldenote (ml1 ++ ml2).
induction ml1; crush.
Theorem flatten_correct : forall me, mdenote me = mldenote (flatten me).
Hint Resolve flatten_correct'.
induction me; crush.
Theorem monoid_reflect : forall m1 m2,
mldenote (flatten m1) = mldenote (flatten m2)
-> mdenote m1 = mdenote m2.
intros; repeat rewrite flatten_correct; assumption.
Ltac reflect m :=
match m with
| e => Ident
| ?m1 + ?m2 =>
let r1 := reflect m1 in
let r2 := reflect m2 in
constr:(Op r1 r2)
| _ => constr:(Var m)
Ltac monoid :=
match goal with
| [ |- ?m1 = ?m2 ] =>
let r1 := reflect m1 in
let r2 := reflect m2 in
change (mdenote r1 = mdenote r2);
apply monoid_reflect; simpl mldenote
Theorem t1 : forall a b c d, a + b + c + d = a + (b + c) + d.
End monoid.
(** * A Smarter Tautology Solver *)
Require Import Quote.
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