Commit 52b5f793 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

PatMatch Elaborate_correct

parent 783ad71d
...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ ...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
(* Dependent list types presented in Chapter 8 *) (* Dependent list types presented in Chapter 8 *)
Require Import Arith List. Require Import Arith List Tactics.
Set Implicit Arguments. Set Implicit Arguments.
...@@ -154,6 +154,13 @@ Section hmap. ...@@ -154,6 +154,13 @@ Section hmap.
| nil => fun _ => hnil | nil => fun _ => hnil
| _ :: _ => fun hl => f (fst hl) ::: hmap _ (snd hl) | _ :: _ => fun hl => f (fst hl) ::: hmap _ (snd hl)
end. end.
Implicit Arguments hmap [ls].
Theorem hmap_happ : forall ls2 (h2 : hlist B1 ls2) ls1 (h1 : hlist B1 ls1),
hmap h1 +++ hmap h2 = hmap (h1 +++ h2).
induction ls1; crush.
End hmap. End hmap.
Implicit Arguments hmap [A B1 B2 ls]. Implicit Arguments hmap [A B1 B2 ls].
...@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Module STLC. ...@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Module STLC.
Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : cps_scope. Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : cps_scope.
Notation "\ ! , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 78) : cps_scope. Notation "\ ! , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 78) : cps_scope.
Notation "[ x1 , x2 ]" := (Pair x1 x2) (at level 73) : cps_scope. Notation "[ x1 , x2 ]" := (Pair x1 x2) : cps_scope.
Notation "#1 x" := (Fst x) (at level 72) : cps_scope. Notation "#1 x" := (Fst x) (at level 72) : cps_scope.
Notation "#2 x" := (Snd x) (at level 72) : cps_scope. Notation "#2 x" := (Snd x) (at level 72) : cps_scope.
...@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ Module PatMatch. ...@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ Module PatMatch.
Implicit Arguments PInr [t1 t2 ts]. Implicit Arguments PInr [t1 t2 ts].
Notation "##" := PVar (at level 70) : pat_scope. Notation "##" := PVar (at level 70) : pat_scope.
Notation "[ p1 , p2 ]" := (PPair p1 p2) (at level 72) : pat_scope. Notation "[ p1 , p2 ]" := (PPair p1 p2) : pat_scope.
Notation "'Inl' p" := (PInl p) (at level 71) : pat_scope. Notation "'Inl' p" := (PInl p) (at level 71) : pat_scope.
Notation "'Inr' p" := (PInr p) (at level 71) : pat_scope. Notation "'Inr' p" := (PInr p) (at level 71) : pat_scope.
...@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ Module PatMatch. ...@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ Module PatMatch.
Infix "@" := App (left associativity, at level 77) : source_scope. Infix "@" := App (left associativity, at level 77) : source_scope.
Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : source_scope. Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : source_scope.
Notation "[ x , y ]" := (Pair x y) (at level 72) : source_scope. Notation "[ x , y ]" := (Pair x y) : source_scope.
Notation "'Inl' e" := (EInl e) (at level 71) : source_scope. Notation "'Inl' e" := (EInl e) (at level 71) : source_scope.
Notation "'Inr' e" := (EInr e) (at level 71) : source_scope. Notation "'Inr' e" := (EInr e) (at level 71) : source_scope.
...@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ Module PatMatch. ...@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ Module PatMatch.
Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : elab_scope. Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : elab_scope.
Notation "\ ? , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 78) : elab_scope. Notation "\ ? , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 78) : elab_scope.
Notation "[ x , y ]" := (Pair x y) (at level 72) : elab_scope. Notation "[ x , y ]" := (Pair x y) : elab_scope.
Notation "#1 e" := (Fst e) (at level 72) : elab_scope. Notation "#1 e" := (Fst e) (at level 72) : elab_scope.
Notation "#2 e" := (Snd e) (at level 72) : elab_scope. Notation "#2 e" := (Snd e) (at level 72) : elab_scope.
...@@ -844,4 +844,156 @@ Module PatMatch. ...@@ -844,4 +844,156 @@ Module PatMatch.
Definition Elaborate t (E : Source.Exp t) : Elab.Exp t := Definition Elaborate t (E : Source.Exp t) : Elab.Exp t :=
fun _ => elaborate (E _). fun _ => elaborate (E _).
Fixpoint grab t result : choice_tree typeDenote t result -> typeDenote t -> result :=
match t return (choice_tree typeDenote t result -> typeDenote t -> result) with
| t1 ** t2 => fun ct v =>
grab t2 _ (grab t1 _ ct (fst v)) (snd v)
| t1 ++ t2 => fun ct v =>
match v with
| inl v' => grab t1 _ (fst ct) v'
| inr v' => grab t2 _ (snd ct) v'
| t => fun ct v => ct (#v)%elab
Implicit Arguments grab [t result].
Ltac my_crush :=
repeat (match goal with
| [ |- context[match ?E with inl _ => _ | inr _ => _ end] ] =>
destruct E
end; crush).
Lemma expand_grab : forall t2 t1 result
(out : result -> Elab.exp typeDenote t2)
(ct : choice_tree typeDenote t1 result)
(disc : Elab.exp typeDenote t1),
Elab.expDenote (expand out ct disc) = Elab.expDenote (out (grab ct (Elab.expDenote disc))).
induction t1; my_crush.
Lemma recreate_pair : forall t1 t2
(x : Elab.exp typeDenote t1)
(x0 : Elab.exp typeDenote t2)
(v : typeDenote (t1 ** t2)),
expDenote x = fst v
-> expDenote x0 = snd v
-> @eq (typeDenote t1 * typeDenote t2) (expDenote [x, x0]) v.
destruct v; crush.
Lemma everywhere_correct : forall t1 result
(succ : Elab.exp typeDenote t1 -> result) disc,
exists disc', grab (everywhere succ) (Elab.expDenote disc) = succ disc'
/\ Elab.expDenote disc' = Elab.expDenote disc.
Hint Resolve recreate_pair.
induction t1; my_crush; eauto; fold choice_tree;
repeat (fold typeDenote in *; crush;
match goal with
| [ IH : forall result succ, _ |- context[grab (everywhere ?S) _] ] =>
generalize (IH _ S); clear IH
| [ e : exp typeDenote (?T ** _), IH : forall _ : exp typeDenote ?T, _ |- _ ] =>
generalize (IH (#1 e)); clear IH
| [ e : exp typeDenote (_ ** ?T), IH : forall _ : exp typeDenote ?T, _ |- _ ] =>
generalize (IH (#2 e)); clear IH
| [ e : typeDenote ?T, IH : forall _ : exp typeDenote ?T, _ |- _ ] =>
generalize (IH (#e)); clear IH
end; crush); eauto.
Lemma merge_correct : forall t result
(ct1 ct2 : choice_tree typeDenote t result)
(mr : result -> result -> result) v,
grab (merge mr ct1 ct2) v = mr (grab ct1 v) (grab ct2 v).
induction t; crush.
Lemma everywhere_fail : forall t result
(fail : result) v,
grab (everywhere (fun _ : Elab.exp typeDenote t => fail)) v = fail.
induction t; crush.
Lemma elaboratePat_correct : forall t1 ts (p : pat t1 ts)
result (succ : hlist (Elab.exp typeDenote) ts -> result)
(fail : result) v env,
patDenote p v = Some env
-> exists env', grab (elaboratePat typeDenote p succ fail) v = succ env'
/\ env = hmap Elab.expDenote env'.
Hint Resolve hmap_happ.
induction p; crush; fold choice_tree;
repeat (match goal with
| [ |- context[grab (everywhere ?succ) ?v] ] =>
generalize (everywhere_correct succ (#v)%elab)
| [ H : forall result sudc fail, _ |- context[grab (elaboratePat _ _ ?S ?F) ?V] ] =>
generalize (H _ S F V); clear H
| [ H1 : context[match ?E with Some _ => _ | None => _ end],
H2 : forall env, ?E = Some env -> _ |- _ ] =>
destruct E
| [ H : forall env, Some ?E = Some env -> _ |- _ ] =>
generalize (H _ (refl_equal _)); clear H
end; crush); eauto.
Lemma elaboratePat_fails : forall t1 ts (p : pat t1 ts)
result (succ : hlist (Elab.exp typeDenote) ts -> result)
(fail : result) v,
patDenote p v = None
-> grab (elaboratePat typeDenote p succ fail) v = fail.
Hint Resolve everywhere_fail.
induction p; try solve [ crush ];
simpl; fold choice_tree; intuition; simpl in *;
repeat match goal with
| [ IH : forall result succ fail v, patDenote ?P v = _ -> _
|- context[grab (elaboratePat _ ?P ?S ?F) ?V] ] =>
generalize (IH _ S F V); clear IH; intro IH;
generalize (elaboratePat_correct P S F V); intros;
destruct (patDenote P V); try discriminate
| [ H : forall env, Some _ = Some env -> _ |- _ ] =>
destruct (H _ (refl_equal _)); clear H; intuition
| [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; intuition
Implicit Arguments letify [var t ts].
Lemma letify_correct : forall t ts (f : hlist typeDenote ts -> Elab.exp typeDenote t)
(env : hlist (Elab.exp typeDenote) ts),
Elab.expDenote (letify f env)
= Elab.expDenote (f (hmap Elab.expDenote env)).
induction ts; crush.
Theorem elaborate_correct : forall t (e : Source.exp typeDenote t),
Elab.expDenote (elaborate e) = Source.expDenote e.
Hint Rewrite expand_grab merge_correct letify_correct : cpdt.
Hint Rewrite everywhere_fail elaboratePat_fails using assumption : cpdt.
induction e; crush; try (ext_eq; crush);
match goal with
| [ tss : list (list type) |- _ ] =>
induction tss; crush;
match goal with
| [ |- context[grab (elaboratePat _ ?P ?S ?F) ?V] ] =>
case_eq (patDenote P V); [intros env Heq;
destruct (elaboratePat_correct P S F _ Heq); crush;
match goal with
| [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H; crush
| crush ]
Theorem Elaborate_correct : forall t (E : Source.Exp t),
Elab.ExpDenote (Elaborate E) = Source.ExpDenote E.
unfold Elab.ExpDenote, Elaborate, Source.ExpDenote;
intros; apply elaborate_correct.
End PatMatch. End PatMatch.
...@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ Ltac simplHyp invOne := ...@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ Ltac simplHyp invOne :=
| [ H : existT _ ?T _ = existT _ ?T _ |- _ ] => generalize (inj_pair2 _ _ _ _ _ H); clear H | [ H : existT _ ?T _ = existT _ ?T _ |- _ ] => generalize (inj_pair2 _ _ _ _ _ H); clear H
| [ H : existT _ _ _ = existT _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | [ H : existT _ _ _ = existT _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H
| [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => injection H; clear H
end. end.
Ltac rewriteHyp := Ltac rewriteHyp :=
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