Commit 6e8d3f27 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Co-inductive evaluation example

parent b7ac8367
......@@ -305,3 +305,121 @@ Theorem ones_eq' : stream_eq ones ones'.
(** The standard [auto] machinery sees that our goal matches an assumption and so applies that assumption, even though this violates guardedness. One usually starts a proof like this by [destruct]ing some parameter and running a custom tactic to figure out the first proof rule to apply for each case. Alternatively, there are tricks that can be played with "hiding" the co-inductive hypothesis. We will see examples of effective co-inductive proving in later chapters. *)
(** * Simple Modeling of Non-Terminating Programs *)
(** We close the chapter with a quick motivating example for more complex uses of co-inductive types. We will define a co-inductive semantics for a simple assembly language and use that semantics to prove that an optimization function is sound. We start by defining a type of instructions. *)
Inductive reg : Set := R1 | R2.
Definition label := nat.
Inductive instrs : Set :=
| Const : reg -> nat -> instrs -> instrs
| Add : reg -> reg -> reg -> instrs -> instrs
| Halt : reg -> instrs
| Jeq : reg -> reg -> label -> instrs -> instrs.
Definition program := list instrs.
Section regmap.
Variable A : Set.
Record regmap : Set := Regmap {
VR1 : A;
VR2 : A
Definition empty v : regmap := Regmap v v.
Definition get (rm : regmap) (r : reg) : A :=
match r with
| R1 => VR1 rm
| R2 => VR2 rm
Definition set (rm : regmap) (r : reg) (v : A) : regmap :=
match r with
| R1 => Regmap v (VR2 rm)
| R2 => Regmap (VR1 rm) v
End regmap.
Section run.
Variable prog : program.
CoInductive run : regmap nat -> instrs -> nat -> Prop :=
| RConst : forall rm r n is v,
run (set rm r n) is v
-> run rm (Const r n is) v
| RAdd : forall rm r r1 r2 is v,
run (set rm r (get rm r1 + get rm r2)) is v
-> run rm (Add r r1 r2 is) v
| RHalt : forall rm r,
run rm (Halt r) (get rm r)
| RJeq_eq : forall rm r1 r2 l is is' v,
get rm r1 = get rm r2
-> nth_error prog l = Some is'
-> run rm is' v
-> run rm (Jeq r1 r2 l is) v
| RJeq_neq : forall rm r1 r2 l is v,
get rm r1 <> get rm r2
-> run rm is v
-> run rm (Jeq r1 r2 l is) v.
End run.
Fixpoint constFold (rm : regmap (option nat)) (is : instrs) {struct is} : instrs :=
match is with
| Const r n is => Const r n (constFold (set rm r (Some n)) is)
| Add r r1 r2 is =>
match get rm r1, get rm r2 with
| Some n1, Some n2 => Const r (n1 + n2) (constFold (set rm r (Some (n1 + n2))) is)
| _, _ => Add r r1 r2 (constFold (set rm r None) is)
| Halt _ => is
| Jeq r1 r2 l is => Jeq r1 r2 l (constFold rm is)
Definition regmapCompat (rm : regmap nat) (rm' : regmap (option nat)) :=
forall r, match get rm' r with
| None => True
| Some v => get rm r = v
Ltac compat := unfold regmapCompat in *; crush;
match goal with
| [ |- match get _ ?R with Some _ => _ | None => _ end ] => destruct R; crush
Lemma regmapCompat_set_None : forall rm rm' r n,
regmapCompat rm rm'
-> regmapCompat (set rm r n) (set rm' r None).
destruct r; compat.
Lemma regmapCompat_set_Some : forall rm rm' r n,
regmapCompat rm rm'
-> regmapCompat (set rm r n) (set rm' r (Some n)).
destruct r; compat.
Require Import Arith.
Section constFold_ok.
Variable prog : program.
Theorem constFold_ok : forall rm is v,
run prog rm is v
-> forall rm', regmapCompat rm rm'
-> run prog rm (constFold rm' is) v.
Hint Resolve regmapCompat_set_None regmapCompat_set_Some.
Hint Constructors run.
destruct 1; crush; eauto;
repeat match goal with
| [ H : regmapCompat _ _ |- run _ _ (match get ?RM ?R with Some _ => _ | None => _ end) _ ] =>
generalize (H R); destruct (get RM R); crush
End constFold_ok.
Print constFold_ok.
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Ltac inster e trace :=
Ltac crush' lemmas invOne :=
let sintuition := simpl in *; intuition; repeat (simplHyp invOne; intuition); try congruence
let sintuition := simpl in *; intuition; subst; repeat (simplHyp invOne; intuition; subst); try congruence
in (sintuition; rewriter;
repeat ((app ltac:(fun L => inster L L) lemmas || appHyps ltac:(fun L => inster L L));
repeat (simplHyp invOne; intuition));
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