Commit 6ea6db48 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Well-founded recursion

parent b35e4331
......@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ Luckily, Coq has special support for a class of lazy data structures that happen
(** Let us begin with the most basic type of infinite data, %\textit{%#<i>#streams#</i>#%}%, or lazy lists.%\index{Vernacular commands!CoInductive}% *)
Section stream.
Variable A : Set.
Variable A : Type.
CoInductive stream : Set :=
CoInductive stream : Type :=
| Cons : A -> stream -> stream.
End stream.
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ The rule we have run afoul of here is that %\textit{%#<i>#every co-recursive cal
Some familiar functions are easy to write in co-recursive fashion. *)
Section map.
Variables A B : Set.
Variables A B : Type.
Variable f : A -> B.
CoFixpoint map (s : stream A) : stream B :=
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ End map.
The implications of the condition can be subtle. To illustrate how, we start off with another co-recursive function definition that %\textit{%#<i>#is#</i>#%}% legal. The function [interleave] takes two streams and produces a new stream that alternates between their elements. *)
Section interleave.
Variable A : Set.
Variable A : Type.
CoFixpoint interleave (s1 s2 : stream A) : stream A :=
match s1, s2 with
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ End interleave.
(** Now say we want to write a weird stuttering version of [map] that repeats elements in a particular way, based on interleaving. *)
Section map'.
Variables A B : Set.
Variables A B : Type.
Variable f : A -> B.
(* begin thide *)
(** [[
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Abort.
We are ready for our first %\index{co-inductive predicates}%co-inductive predicate. *)
Section stream_eq.
Variable A : Set.
Variable A : Type.
CoInductive stream_eq : stream A -> stream A -> Prop :=
| Stream_eq : forall h t1 t2,
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Definition hd A (s : stream A) : A :=
(** Now we enter a section for the co-induction principle, based on %\index{Park's principle}%Park's principle as introduced in a tutorial by Gim%\'%enez%~\cite{IT}%. *)
Section stream_eq_coind.
Variable A : Set.
Variable A : Type.
Variable R : stream A -> stream A -> Prop.
(** This relation generalizes the theorem we want to prove, characterizinge exactly which two arguments to [stream_eq] we want to consider. *)
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ Qed.
Compared to the inductive proofs that we are used to, it still seems unsatisfactory that we had to write out a choice of [R] in the last proof. An alternate is to capture a common pattern of co-recursion in a more specialized co-induction principle. For the current example, that pattern is: prove [stream_eq s1 s2] where [s1] and [s2] are defined as their own tails. *)
Section stream_eq_loop.
Variable A : Set.
Variable A : Type.
Variables s1 s2 : stream A.
Hypothesis Cons_case_hd : hd s1 = hd s2.
......@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ Qed.
(** As in the case of [ones_eq'], we may be unsatisfied that we needed to write down a choice of [R] that seems to duplicate information already present in a lemma statement. We can facilitate a simpler proof by defining a co-induction principle specialized to goals that begin with single universal quantifiers, and the strategy can be extended in a straightforward way to principles for other counts of quantifiers. (Our [stream_eq_loop] principle is effectively the instantiation of this technique to zero quantifiers.) *)
Section stream_eq_onequant.
Variables A B : Set.
Variables A B : Type.
(** We have the types [A], the domain of the one quantifier; and [B], the type of data found in the streams. *)
Variables f g : A -> stream B.
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