Commit 77512e28 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Trivial tautologies

parent 50fd2289
...@@ -136,3 +136,96 @@ User error: No matching clauses for match goal ...@@ -136,3 +136,96 @@ User error: No matching clauses for match goal
As usual, the type-checker performs no reductions to simplify error messages. If we reduced the first term ourselves, we would see that [check_even 255] reduces to a [No], so that the first term is equivalent to [True], which certainly does not unify with [isEven 255]. *) As usual, the type-checker performs no reductions to simplify error messages. If we reduced the first term ourselves, we would see that [check_even 255] reduces to a [No], so that the first term is equivalent to [True], which certainly does not unify with [isEven 255]. *)
Abort. Abort.
(** * Reflecting the Syntax of a Trivial Tautology Language *)
(** We might also like to have reflective proofs of trivial tautologies like this one: *)
Theorem true_galore : (True /\ True) -> (True \/ (True /\ (True -> True))).
Print true_galore.
(** [[
true_galore =
fun H : True /\ True =>
and_ind (fun _ _ : True => or_introl (True /\ (True -> True)) I) H
: True /\ True -> True \/ True /\ (True -> True)
As we might expect, the proof that [tauto] builds contains explicit applications of natural deduction rules. For large formulas, this can add a linear amount of proof size overhead, beyond the size of the input.
To write a reflective procedure for this class of goals, we will need to get into the actual "reflection" part of "proof by reflection." It is impossible to case-analyze a [Prop] in any way in Gallina. We must %\textit{%#<i>#reflect#</i>#%}% [Prop] into some type that we %\textit{%#<i>#can#</i>#%}% analyze. This inductive type is a good candidate: *)
Inductive taut : Set :=
| TautTrue : taut
| TautAnd : taut -> taut -> taut
| TautOr : taut -> taut -> taut
| TautImp : taut -> taut -> taut.
(** We write a recursive function to "unreflect" this syntax back to [Prop]. *)
Fixpoint tautDenote (t : taut) : Prop :=
match t with
| TautTrue => True
| TautAnd t1 t2 => tautDenote t1 /\ tautDenote t2
| TautOr t1 t2 => tautDenote t1 \/ tautDenote t2
| TautImp t1 t2 => tautDenote t1 -> tautDenote t2
(** It is easy to prove that every formula in the range of [tautDenote] is true. *)
Theorem tautTrue : forall t, tautDenote t.
induction t; crush.
(** To use [tautTrue] to prove particular formulas, we need to implement the syntax reflection process. A recursive Ltac function does the job. *)
Ltac tautReflect P :=
match P with
| True => TautTrue
| ?P1 /\ ?P2 =>
let t1 := tautReflect P1 in
let t2 := tautReflect P2 in
constr:(TautAnd t1 t2)
| ?P1 \/ ?P2 =>
let t1 := tautReflect P1 in
let t2 := tautReflect P2 in
constr:(TautOr t1 t2)
| ?P1 -> ?P2 =>
let t1 := tautReflect P1 in
let t2 := tautReflect P2 in
constr:(TautImp t1 t2)
(** With [tautReflect] available, it is easy to finish our reflective tactic. We look at the goal formula, reflect it, and apply [tautTrue] to the reflected formula. *)
Ltac obvious :=
match goal with
| [ |- ?P ] =>
let t := tautReflect P in
exact (tautTrue t)
(** We can verify that [obvious] solves our original example, with a proof term that does not mention details of the proof. *)
Theorem true_galore' : (True /\ True) -> (True \/ (True /\ (True -> True))).
Print true_galore'.
(** [[
true_galore' =
(TautImp (TautAnd TautTrue TautTrue)
(TautOr TautTrue (TautAnd TautTrue (TautImp TautTrue TautTrue))))
: True /\ True -> True \/ True /\ (True -> True)
It is worth considering how the reflective tactic improves on a pure-Ltac implementation. The formula reflection process is just as ad-hoc as before, so we gain little there. In general, proofs will be more complicated than formula translation, and the "generic proof rule" that we apply here %\textit{%#<i>#is#</i>#%}% on much better formal footing than a recursive Ltac function. The dependent type of the proof guarantees that it "works" on any input formula. This is all in addition to the proof-size improvement that we have already seen. *)
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