Commit 83c31af6 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

inster example

parent 290d4b48
......@@ -546,7 +546,45 @@ Goal False.
(** * Proof Search in Continuation-Passing Style *)
(** * Recursive Proof Search *)
(** Deciding how to instantiate quantifiers is one of the hardest parts of automated first-order theorem proving. For a given problem, we can consider all possible bounded-length sequences of quantifier instantiations, applying only propositional reasoning at the end. This is probably a bad idea for almost all goals, but it makes for a nice example of recursive proof search procedures in Ltac.
We can consider the maximum "dependency chain" length for a first-order proof. We define the chain length for a hypothesis to be 0, and the chain length for an instantiation of a quantified fact to be one greater than the length for that fact. The tactic [inster n] is meant to try all possible proofs with chain length at most [n]. *)
Ltac inster n :=
match n with
| S ?n' =>
match goal with
| [ H : forall x : ?T, _, x : ?T |- _ ] => generalize (H x); inster n'
(** [inster] begins by applying propositional simplification. Next, it checks if any chain length remains. If so, it tries all possible ways of instantiating quantified hypotheses with properly-typed local variables. It is critical to realize that, if the recursive call [inster n'] fails, then the [match goal] just seeks out another way of unifying its pattern against proof state. Thus, this small amount of code provides an elegant demonstration of how backtracking [match] enables exhaustive search.
We can verify the efficacy of [inster] with two short examples. The built-in [firstorder] tactic (with no extra arguments) is able to prove the first but not the second. *)
Section test_inster.
Variable A : Set.
Variables P Q : A -> Prop.
Variable f : A -> A.
Variable g : A -> A -> A.
Hypothesis H1 : forall x y, P (g x y) -> Q (f x).
Theorem test_inster : forall x y, P (g x y) -> Q (f x).
intros; inster 2.
Hypothesis H3 : forall u v, P u /\ P v /\ u <> v -> P (g u v).
Hypothesis H4 : forall u, Q (f u) -> P u /\ P (f u).
Theorem test_inster2 : forall x y, x <> y -> P x -> Q (f y) -> Q (f x).
intros; inster 3.
End test_inster.
Definition imp (P1 P2 : Prop) := P1 -> P2.
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