Commit 98aa990b authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

hlist and hget

parent fbca7ab5
...@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ End ilist. ...@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ End ilist.
Implicit Arguments Nil [A]. Implicit Arguments Nil [A].
(** Our [get] function is quite easy to reason about. We show how with a short example about an analogue to the list [map] function. *)
Section ilist_map. Section ilist_map.
Variables A B : Set. Variables A B : Set.
Variable f : A -> B. Variable f : A -> B.
...@@ -125,12 +127,59 @@ Section ilist_map. ...@@ -125,12 +127,59 @@ Section ilist_map.
| Cons _ x ls' => Cons (f x) (imap ls') | Cons _ x ls' => Cons (f x) (imap ls')
end. end.
Theorem get_imap : forall n (ls : ilist A n) (idx : index n), (** It is easy to prove that [get] "distributes over" [imap] calls. The only tricky bit is remembering to use the [dep_destruct] tactic in place of plain [destruct] when faced with a baffling tactic error message. *)
Theorem get_imap : forall n (idx : index n) (ls : ilist A n),
get (imap ls) idx = f (get ls idx). get (imap ls) idx = f (get ls idx).
induction ls; crush; induction ls; dep_destruct idx; crush.
match goal with
| [ |- context[match ?IDX with First _ => _ | Next _ _ => _ end] ] =>
dep_destruct IDX; crush
Qed. Qed.
End ilist_map. End ilist_map.
(** * Heterogeneous Lists *)
(** Programmers who move to statically-typed functional languages from "scripting languages" often complain about the requirement that every element of a list have the same type. With fancy type systems, we can partially lift this requirement. We can index a list type with a "type-level" list that explains what type each element of the list should have. This has been done in a variety of ways in Haskell using type classes, and it we can do it much more cleanly and directly in Coq. *)
Section hlist.
Variable A : Type.
Variable B : A -> Type.
(** We parameterize our heterogeneous lists by a type [A] and an [A]-indexed type [B]. *)
Inductive hlist : list A -> Type :=
| MNil : hlist nil
| MCons : forall (x : A) (ls : list A), B x -> hlist ls -> hlist (x :: ls).
(** We can implement a variant of the last section's [get] function for [hlist]s. To get the dependent typing to work out, we will need to index our element selectors by the types of data that they point to. *)
Variable elm : A.
Inductive member : list A -> Type :=
| MFirst : forall ls, member (elm :: ls)
| MNext : forall x ls, member ls -> member (x :: ls).
(** Because the element [elm] that we are "searching for" in a list does not change across the constructors of [member], we simplify our definitions by making [elm] a local variable. In the definition of [member], we say that [elm] is found in any list that begins with [elm], and, if removing the first element of a list leaves [elm] present, then [elm] is present in the original list, too. The form looks much like a predicate for list membership, but we purposely define [member] in [Type] so that we may decompose its values to guide computations.
We can use [member] to adapt our definition of [get] to [hlists]. The same basic [match] tricks apply. In the [MCons] case, we form a two-element convoy, passing both the data element [x] and the recursor for the sublist [mls'] to the result of the inner [match]. We did not need to do that in [get]'s definition because the types of list elements were not dependent there. *)
Fixpoint hget ls (mls : hlist ls) {struct mls} : member ls -> B elm :=
match mls in hlist ls return member ls -> B elm with
| MNil => fun mem =>
match mem in member ls' return (match ls' with
| nil => B elm
| _ :: _ => unit
end) with
| MFirst _ => tt
| MNext _ _ _ => tt
| MCons _ _ x mls' => fun mem =>
match mem in member ls' return (match ls' with
| nil => Empty_set
| x' :: ls'' =>
B x' -> (member ls'' -> B elm) -> B elm
end) with
| MFirst _ => fun x _ => x
| MNext _ _ mem' => fun _ get_mls' => get_mls' mem'
end x (hget mls')
End hlist.
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