Commit b87eea7b authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Port DataStruct

parent 971c8851
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ MODULES_DOC := $(MODULES_PROSE) $(MODULES_CODE)
VS := $(MODULES:%=src/%.v)
VS_DOC := $(MODULES_DOC:%=%.v)
GLOBALS := .coq_globals
TEMPLATES := $(MODULES_CODE:%=templates/%.v)
.PHONY: coq clean doc dvi html templates install cpdt.tgz
......@@ -17,13 +16,13 @@ coq: Makefile.coq
Makefile.coq: Makefile $(VS)
coq_makefile $(VS) \
COQC = "coqc -I src -dump-glob $(GLOBALS)" \
COQC = "coqc -I src" \
COQDEP = "coqdep -I src" \
-o Makefile.coq
clean:: Makefile.coq
make -f Makefile.coq clean
rm -f Makefile.coq .depend $(GLOBALS) cpdt.tgz \
rm -f Makefile.coq .depend cpdt.tgz \
latex/*.sty latex/cpdt.* templates/*.v
rm -f *.aux *.dvi *.log
......@@ -51,7 +50,6 @@ latex/%.pdf: latex/%.dvi
html: Makefile $(VS) src/toc.html
mkdir -p html
cd src ; coqdoc --interpolate $(VS_DOC) \
--glob-from ../$(GLOBALS) \
-d ../html
cp src/toc.html html/
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ Section ilist.
Implicit Arguments icons [n].
Fixpoint index (n : nat) : Type :=
Fixpoint fin (n : nat) : Type :=
match n with
| O => Empty_set
| S n' => option (index n')
| S n' => option (fin n')
Fixpoint get (n : nat) : ilist n -> index n -> A :=
match n return ilist n -> index n -> A with
Fixpoint get (n : nat) : ilist n -> fin n -> A :=
match n return ilist n -> fin n -> A with
| O => fun _ idx => match idx with end
| S n' => fun ls idx =>
match idx with
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Section ok.
Definition datatypeDenoteOk :=
forall P : T -> Prop,
(forall c (m : member c dt) (x : nonrecursive c) (r : ilist T (recursive c)),
(forall i : index (recursive c), P (get r i))
(forall i : fin (recursive c), P (get r i))
-> P ((hget dd m) x r))
-> forall v, P v.
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