Commit c11333b7 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Templatize Reflection

parent 330e2359
......@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ Inductive isEven : nat -> Prop :=
| Even_O : isEven O
| Even_SS : forall n, isEven n -> isEven (S (S n)).
(* begin thide *)
Ltac prove_even := repeat constructor.
(* end thide *)
Theorem even_256 : isEven 256.
......@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ Open Local Scope partial_scope.
(** We bring into scope some notations for the [partial] type. These overlap with some of the notations we have seen previously for specification types, so they were placed in a separate scope that needs separate opening. *)
(* begin thide *)
Definition check_even (n : nat) : [isEven n].
Hint Constructors isEven.
......@@ -93,6 +96,7 @@ Ltac prove_even_reflective :=
match goal with
| [ |- isEven ?N] => exact (partialOut (check_even N))
(* end thide *)
(** We identify which natural number we are considering, and we "prove" its evenness by pulling the proof out of the appropriate [check_even] call. *)
......@@ -160,6 +164,7 @@ and_ind (fun _ _ : True => or_introl (True /\ (True -> True)) I) H
To write a reflective procedure for this class of goals, we will need to get into the actual "reflection" part of "proof by reflection." It is impossible to case-analyze a [Prop] in any way in Gallina. We must %\textit{%#<i>#reflect#</i>#%}% [Prop] into some type that we %\textit{%#<i>#can#</i>#%}% analyze. This inductive type is a good candidate: *)
(* begin thide *)
Inductive taut : Set :=
| TautTrue : taut
| TautAnd : taut -> taut -> taut
......@@ -211,6 +216,7 @@ Ltac obvious :=
(** We can verify that [obvious] solves our original example, with a proof term that does not mention details of the proof. *)
(* end thide *)
Theorem true_galore' : (True /\ True) -> (True \/ (True /\ (True -> True))).
......@@ -250,6 +256,7 @@ Section monoid.
It is easy to define an expression tree type for monoid expressions. A [Var] constructor is a "catch-all" case for subexpressions that we cannot model. These subexpressions could be actual Gallina variables, or they could just use functions that our tactic is unable to understand. *)
(* begin thide *)
Inductive mexp : Set :=
| Ident : mexp
| Var : A -> mexp
......@@ -327,6 +334,8 @@ Section monoid.
(** We can make short work of theorems like this one: *)
(* end thide *)
Theorem t1 : forall a b c d, a + b + c + d = a + (b + c) + d.
intros; monoid.
(** [[
......@@ -367,6 +376,7 @@ End monoid.
Require Import Quote.
(* begin thide *)
Inductive formula : Set :=
| Atomic : index -> formula
| Truth : formula
......@@ -507,6 +517,7 @@ Ltac my_tauto :=
match goal with
| [ |- formulaDenote ?m ?f ] => exact (partialOut (my_tauto m f))
(* end thide *)
(** A few examples demonstrate how the tactic works. *)
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