Commit d0ccb0d5 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Start of DataStruct

parent 0b0da1fa
MODULES_NODOC := Tactics MoreSpecif MODULES_NODOC := Tactics MoreSpecif
MODULES_CODE := StackMachine InductiveTypes Predicates Coinductive Subset MoreDep MODULES_CODE := StackMachine InductiveTypes Predicates Coinductive Subset \
MoreDep DataStruct
VS := $(MODULES:%=src/%.v) VS := $(MODULES:%=src/%.v)
(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala
* This work is licensed under a
* Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
* Unported License.
* The license text is available at:
(* begin hide *)
Require Import List.
Require Import Tactics.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* end hide *)
(** %\chapter{Dependent Data Structures}% *)
(** Our red-black tree example from the last chapter illustrated how dependent types enable static enforcement of data structure invariants. To find interesting uses of dependent data structures, however, we need not look to the favorite examples of data structures and algorithms textbooks. More basic examples like known-length and heterogeneous lists prop up again and again as the building blocks of dependent programs. There is a surprisingly large design space for this class of data structure, and we will spend this chapter exploring it. *)
(** * More Known-Length Lists *)
Section ilist.
Variable A : Set.
Inductive ilist : nat -> Set :=
| Nil : ilist O
| Cons : forall n, A -> ilist n -> ilist (S n).
Inductive index : nat -> Set :=
| First : forall n, index (S n)
| Next : forall n, index n -> index (S n).
Fixpoint get n (ls : ilist n) {struct ls} : index n -> A :=
match ls in ilist n return index n -> A with
| Nil => fun idx =>
match idx in index n' return (match n' with
| O => A
| S _ => unit
end) with
| First _ => tt
| Next _ _ => tt
| Cons _ x ls' => fun idx =>
match idx in index n' return (index (pred n') -> A) -> A with
| First _ => fun _ => x
| Next _ idx' => fun get_ls' => get_ls' idx'
end (get ls')
End ilist.
Implicit Arguments Nil [A].
Section ilist_map.
Variables A B : Set.
Variable f : A -> B.
Fixpoint imap n (ls : ilist A n) {struct ls} : ilist B n :=
match ls in ilist _ n return ilist B n with
| Nil => Nil
| Cons _ x ls' => Cons (f x) (imap ls')
Theorem get_imap : forall n (ls : ilist A n) (idx : index n),
get (imap ls) idx = f (get ls idx).
induction ls; crush;
match goal with
| [ |- context[match ?IDX with First _ => _ | Next _ _ => _ end] ] =>
dep_destruct IDX; crush
End ilist_map.
...@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ Subset Types and Variations & \texttt{Subset.v} \\ ...@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ Subset Types and Variations & \texttt{Subset.v} \\
\hline \hline
More Dependent Types & \texttt{MoreDep.v} \\ More Dependent Types & \texttt{MoreDep.v} \\
\hline \hline
Dependent Data Structures & \texttt{DataStruct.v} \\
\end{tabular} \end{center} \end{tabular} \end{center}
% *) % *)
...@@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ ...@@ -11,5 +11,6 @@
<li><a href="Coinductive.html">Infinite Data and Proofs</a> <li><a href="Coinductive.html">Infinite Data and Proofs</a>
<li><a href="Subset.html">Subset Types and Variations</a> <li><a href="Subset.html">Subset Types and Variations</a>
<li><a href="MoreDep.html">More Dependent Types</a> <li><a href="MoreDep.html">More Dependent Types</a>
<li><a href="DataStruct.html">Dependent Data Structures</a>
</body></html> </body></html>
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