Commit efee53d7 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Generic size examples

parent 00cba52d
...@@ -80,11 +80,27 @@ Section ilist. ...@@ -80,11 +80,27 @@ Section ilist.
| S n' => fun ls1 ls2 => icons (f (hd ls1) (hd ls2)) (map2 _ (tl ls1) (tl ls2)) | S n' => fun ls1 ls2 => icons (f (hd ls1) (hd ls2)) (map2 _ (tl ls1) (tl ls2))
end. end.
End map2. End map2.
Section fold.
Variable B : Type.
Variable f : A -> B -> B.
Variable i : B.
Fixpoint foldr (n : nat) : ilist n -> B :=
match n return ilist n -> B with
| O => fun _ => i
| S n' => fun ils => f (hd ils) (foldr n' (tl ils))
End fold.
End ilist. End ilist.
Implicit Arguments inil [A].
Implicit Arguments icons [A n].
Implicit Arguments icons [A n]. Implicit Arguments icons [A n].
Implicit Arguments get [A n]. Implicit Arguments get [A n].
Implicit Arguments map2 [A n]. Implicit Arguments map2 [A n].
Implicit Arguments foldr [A B n].
Section hlist. Section hlist.
Variable A : Type. Variable A : Type.
...@@ -130,12 +146,21 @@ Section hlist. ...@@ -130,12 +146,21 @@ Section hlist.
| nil => fun _ hls2 => hls2 | nil => fun _ hls2 => hls2
| _ :: _ => fun hls1 hls2 => (fst hls1, happ _ _ (snd hls1) hls2) | _ :: _ => fun hls1 hls2 => (fst hls1, happ _ _ (snd hls1) hls2)
end. end.
Variable f : forall x, B x.
Fixpoint hmake (ls : list A) : hlist ls :=
match ls return hlist ls with
| nil => hnil
| x :: ls' => hcons _ (f x) (hmake ls')
End hlist. End hlist.
Implicit Arguments hnil [A B]. Implicit Arguments hnil [A B].
Implicit Arguments hcons [A B x ls]. Implicit Arguments hcons [A B x ls].
Implicit Arguments hget [A B elm ls]. Implicit Arguments hget [A B elm ls].
Implicit Arguments happ [A B ls1 ls2]. Implicit Arguments happ [A B ls1 ls2].
Implicit Arguments hmake [A B].
Implicit Arguments hfirst [A elm x ls]. Implicit Arguments hfirst [A elm x ls].
Implicit Arguments hnext [A elm x ls]. Implicit Arguments hnext [A elm x ls].
...@@ -74,3 +74,47 @@ Definition list_den (A : Type) : datatypeDenote (list A) (list_dt A) := ...@@ -74,3 +74,47 @@ Definition list_den (A : Type) : datatypeDenote (list A) (list_dt A) :=
[!, ! ~> nil] ::: [x, r # 1 ~> x :: hd r] ::: hnil. [!, ! ~> nil] ::: [x, r # 1 ~> x :: hd r] ::: hnil.
Definition tree_den (A : Type) : datatypeDenote (tree A) (tree_dt A) := Definition tree_den (A : Type) : datatypeDenote (tree A) (tree_dt A) :=
[v, ! ~> Leaf v] ::: [!, r # 2 ~> Node (hd r) (hd (tl r))] ::: hnil. [v, ! ~> Leaf v] ::: [!, r # 2 ~> Node (hd r) (hd (tl r))] ::: hnil.
Definition fixDenote (T : Type) (dt : datatype) :=
forall (R : Type), datatypeDenote R dt -> (T -> R).
Definition size T dt (fx : fixDenote T dt) : T -> nat :=
fx nat (hmake (B := constructorDenote nat) (fun _ _ r => foldr plus 1 r) dt).
Definition Empty_set_fix : fixDenote Empty_set Empty_set_dt :=
fun R _ emp => match emp with end.
Eval compute in size Empty_set_fix.
Definition unit_fix : fixDenote unit unit_dt :=
fun R cases _ => (fst cases) tt inil.
Eval compute in size unit_fix.
Definition bool_fix : fixDenote bool bool_dt :=
fun R cases b => if b
then (fst cases) tt inil
else (fst (snd cases)) tt inil.
Eval compute in size bool_fix.
Definition nat_fix : fixDenote nat nat_dt :=
fun R cases => fix F (n : nat) : R :=
match n with
| O => (fst cases) tt inil
| S n' => (fst (snd cases)) tt (icons (F n') inil)
Eval cbv beta iota delta -[plus] in size nat_fix.
Definition list_fix (A : Type) : fixDenote (list A) (list_dt A) :=
fun R cases => fix F (ls : list A) : R :=
match ls with
| nil => (fst cases) tt inil
| x :: ls' => (fst (snd cases)) x (icons (F ls') inil)
Eval cbv beta iota delta -[plus] in fun A => size (@list_fix A).
Definition tree_fix (A : Type) : fixDenote (tree A) (tree_dt A) :=
fun R cases => fix F (t : tree A) : R :=
match t with
| Leaf x => (fst cases) x inil
| Node t1 t2 => (fst (snd cases)) tt (icons (F t1) (icons (F t2) inil))
Eval cbv beta iota delta -[plus] in fun A => size (@tree_fix A).
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