Commit f33e0076 authored by Adam Chlipala's avatar Adam Chlipala

Proofreading pass through Chapter 13

parent a8d87401
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Error: Impossible to unify "plusR 0 ?27 ?27" with "plusR 1 3 4".
apply PlusS.
apply PlusO.
(** At this point the proof is completed. It is no doubt clear that a simple procedure could find all proofs of this kind for us. We are just exploring all possible proof trees, built from the two candidate steps [apply PlusO] and [apply PlusS]. The built-in tactic %\index{tactics!auto}%[auto] does exactly that, since above we used [Hint Constructors] to register the two candidate proof steps as hints. *)
(** At this point the proof is completed. It is no doubt clear that a simple procedure could find all proofs of this kind for us. We are just exploring all possible proof trees, built from the two candidate steps [apply PlusO] and [apply PlusS]. The built-in tactic %\index{tactics!auto}%[auto] does exactly that, since above we used %\index{Vernacular commands!Hint Constructors}%[Hint Constructors] to register the two candidate proof steps as hints. *)
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Example five_plus_three : plusR 5 3 8.
auto 6.
(** Sometimes it is useful to see a description of the proof tree that [auto] finds, with the %\index{tactics!info}%[info] tactical. (This tactical is not available in Coq 8.4 as of this writing, but I hope it reappears soon.) *)
(** Sometimes it is useful to see a description of the proof tree that [auto] finds, with the %\index{tactics!info}%[info] tactical. (This tactical is not available in Coq 8.4 as of this writing, but I hope it reappears soon. The special case %\index{tactics!info\_auto}%[info_auto] tactic is provided as a chatty replacement for [auto].) *)
info auto 6.
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ Qed.
Example seven_minus_three' : exists x, plusR x 3 7.
(* begin thide *)
(** We could attempt to guess the quantifier instantiation manually as before, but here there is no need. Instead of [apply], we use %\index{tactics!eapply}%[eapply] instead, which proceeds with placeholder%\index{unification variable}% _unification variables_ standing in for those parameters we wish to postpone guessing. *)
(** We could attempt to guess the quantifier instantiation manually as before, but here there is no need. Instead of [apply], we use %\index{tactics!eapply}%[eapply], which proceeds with placeholder%\index{unification variable}% _unification variables_ standing in for those parameters we wish to postpone guessing. *)
eapply ex_intro.
(** [[
......@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ Definition syms := (eq_sym, plus_n_O, eq_add_S, f_equal2).
End slow.
(** Sometimes, though, transitivity is just what is needed to get a proof to go through automatically with [eauto]. For those cases, we can use named%\index{hint databases}% _hint databases_ to segragate hints into different groups that may be called on as needed. Here we put [eq_trans] into the database [slow]. *)
(** Sometimes, though, transitivity is just what is needed to get a proof to go through automatically with [eauto]. For those cases, we can use named%\index{hint databases}% _hint databases_ to segregate hints into different groups that may be called on as needed. Here we put [eq_trans] into the database [slow]. *)
(* begin thide *)
Hint Resolve eq_trans : slow.
......@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ ex_intro
(** Let us try one more, fancier example. First, we use a standard high-order function to define a function for summing all data elements of a list. *)
(** Let us try one more, fancier example. First, we use a standard higher-order function to define a function for summing all data elements of a list. *)
Definition sum := fold_right plus O.
......@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ Section forall_and.
(* end thide *)
(** We see that an [Extern] pattern may bind unification variables that we use in the associated tactic. The function [proj1] is from the standard library, for extracting a proof of [R] from a proof of [R /\ S]. *)
(** We see that an [Extern] pattern may bind unification variables that we use in the associated tactic. The function [proj1] is from the standard library, for extracting a proof of [U] from a proof of [U /\ V]. *)
End forall_and.
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