Commit fb70c5a1 authored by Aggelos Giantsios's avatar Aggelos Giantsios

Add Vertex type

Export Vertex from Table module and
amend the existing type signatures
parent 48f31143
-- orbit-int hash table (storing vertices on a worker)
module Table( new
module Table( Freq
, VTable
, Vertex
, new
, to_list
, is_member
, insert
......@@ -21,7 +24,8 @@ module Table( new
import Data.Array (Array, elems, listArray, (!), (//))
type Freq = [Int]
type VTable = Array Int [Int]
type Vertex = Int
type VTable = Array Int [Vertex]
-- Note: Hash tables have a fixed number of slots but each slot can store
-- a list of vertices. The functions is_member/3 and insert/3
......@@ -32,15 +36,15 @@ new :: Int -> VTable
new size = listArray (0, size - 1) $ cycle [[]]
-- to_list(T) converts a table T into a list of its entries.
to_list :: VTable -> [Int]
to_list :: VTable -> [Vertex]
to_list = concat . elems
-- is_member(X, I, T) is true iff X is stored in table T at slot I.
is_member :: Int -> Int -> VTable -> Bool
is_member :: Vertex -> Int -> VTable -> Bool
is_member x i t = elem x (t ! i)
-- insert(X, I, T) inserts X into table T at slot I.
insert :: Int -> Int -> VTable -> VTable
insert :: Vertex -> Int -> VTable -> VTable
insert x i t = t // [(i, x : t ! i)]
-- get_freq computes the fill frequency of table T;
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